Non Black Genes Hypergamy (Neecy and Evia done let the secret out)
Now say this, with me
1 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
2 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
3 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
5 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
6 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
7 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
8 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
9 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
10 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
11 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
12 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
13 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
14 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
15 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
Once again so that those dark
skinned 4c nappy haired negroid facial and skullshaped featured little black
girls can hear you ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’
Neecy tried to edit and hide this post, Neecy have you not heard of
Your secret safe with me,
As Evia pointed out, it’s just not politically correct to even say,
think or address this., But its reality. BM have been doing it for the last two
decades whether BW want to accept and admit it or not. YES, BM with resources
tend to opt for women who can give them lighter and whiter looking kids. It’s a
shitty and sad game, but hey everyone BUT Black women is playing it. And that’s
not a good thing for BW.
A good question/ point was brought up about why some BW who travel
overseas end up having kids by WM who haven’t married them or committed as
possibly being a form of hypergamy. And the thought was that these BW are
seeking to lighten and whiten their kids genes as to have better success in
life and avoid the downfalls of hurtful colorism that is often experienced by
full Black kids (especially Black girls).
I don’t doubt this happens. But I believe it is a mix of BW wanting to
have children they feel will not be exposed to the same colorism they were
exposed to, but also because so many BW lack self-esteem and are searching for
unconditional love – so they have babies even without commitment because they
believe this is an unconditional love they will receive.
But many OOW kids may actually grow up resenting their mothers for
making that choice to not care if there was no father around. So they cannot
bank on that “unconditional love” scenario.
So in terms of single motherhood and OOW I cannot say that BW doing
this and being baby mommas of swirl babies is any better than being a baby
momma of a monoracial Black child. The only difference is YES she has a baby
who is lighter and whiter looking, and that may and obviously will have some
better benefits for the child, but not so much that I can co-sign BW having a
bunch of OOW babies by Non BM.
That is because the person(s) who get affected the most by this are
mainly the child who doesn’t get the benefit of having two parents involved in
his/her life and the emotional and stability benefits that come with having a
father around, and the mother often suffers and *CAN* take that out on her
child down the line. Also, when children are not living in or seeing healthy
stable quality relationships with a mother and father in their lives, they
often grow up and not see the need for it and continue the vicious cycle.
There are more than enough studies that show how important having a
father present in a child’s life is.
A truly hypergamous BW today would not only seek out the best
quality mate, but would avoid doing anything that could place her or her child
in a unfavorable situation where they are lacking.
True hypergamous BW will be so determined to live and do well, they
would not entertain single motherhood because they understand how that will
affect their child later on.
*looking around* Hmph! Your secret is safe with me!
And I do not
*NECESSARILY* disagree with Non Black gene hypergamy as long as the woman sets
herself and child up for success by being partnered with a man who is going to
be a part of the child’s life and support and help raise him/her. Any other
scenario FOR ME, is just not good, because even if the child is lighter and
whiter looking, it still (more than anything) needs that father figure support
in their lives.
Like I said, everyone is playing that game – EXCEPT BW. And its time BW
start playing the game to win and stop sitting on the sidelines playing “fair”.
Yeah yeah,
no BW can admit this publicly or even privately without receiving some kind of
verbal flogging or pearl clutching or pffer for psychological evaluation – but
I GETS IT! Here at the NEST we can talk about these things openly without being
But hey, at this point, I say a BW has every right to do whatever SHE
personally feels will set her or her children up for success. And frankly,
quiet as kept, if certain BW want whiter and lighter kids, I say it’s her own
personal choice to do that, and as long as she is a good nurturing mother who
made the best choice for a quality husband and father of her child, OH WELL go
for it!
Black women have been through so much that I will be the last to tell
another BW that she is “WRONG” for feeling this way. Everyone else on this
planet can have preferences and certain traits they like in others, but the
minute a Black woman does (that doesn’t fall in line with what Black people
expect) then it’s a problem? PSSH!
I’ll never forget my close g/f in college who was dark
skinned finally revealing to me openly that she preferred bi racial and
light skinned / whitish looking guys with “pretty eyes”. She got no qualms from
me! I told her GOOD FOR HER. And she told me she could never say that to anyone
or admit it openly because she’s seen so many BW get reamed for even liking
anything that isn’t 100% Black looking.
My aunt’s daughter who is a chocolate girl also admitted to me (when I
asked her what kinds of guys she likes) preferring lighter guys with pretty
eyes. LOL I told her do not ever feel
bad for that because everyone is entitled to have a preference for what they
Sisters do what you gotta do. But be smart and don’t result to
desperation of OOW babies. It’s not a good look and it’s just not proven to
work for our children.
But I have
NEVER cared if a BW is colorstruck. That is because why shouldn’t BW be?? With
all the crap BW have put up with from their race and culture that has placed
any and all things far from Black and closest to White on a pedestal, I
personally feel BW have the right to do the same damn thing.
If a BW decides she doesn’t want to have her potential future Black
daughters be shunned and treated poorly because she is not light enough, her
hair is not straight enough, etc., then I feel she has a right to seek to pro
create with men who will give her children that will not suffer with that. And
really how can any Black person today chastise a BW for doing this, when the community
has done nothing but put down and step on BW who do not look mixed or who are
not light?
So yes, here at the NEST, you have my blessing to deep down seek out men
who are going to give you children who will not deal with the nonsense colorism
that you or other BW have had to deal with.
NeYo says ‘Light-skin kids are the