Saturday 29 March 2014

Faith Dow calls Christelyn Karazin a piece of shit LOL

So because the BWE opportunist (we should really think about Trademarking the phrase) got some shine on HuffPo yesterday that blog is now going back to pimping BWE for the thousandth time. Do those of you who still deal with that moron ever get whiplash? Using the initials, the term and having others rewrite our posts (using the same syntax, phrases and layout) means you are truly a pathetic piece of doggy doo. And still NOT legit. No matter how many times you repeat words like a parrot. If more BW had actual standards this would not be an issue. The legacy of BWE will not be co-opted or subverted by anti-BWE factions!!!!

Brown Betty:Ok I am confused, you were essentially cheering and saying "one for the BWE" until you found out who it was then she became a moron. I know the person you speak of and I have never heard her promote herself as the spokesperson for BWE at all, she promotes her blog and her projects all of which are to encourage black women to be empowered, things that you and other BWE blogger say you do.

If that were you on the Huffington post and you later shared it with your blog audience, are you pimping BWE? If you spoke of great things happening with your projects that could benefit black women, are you pimping BWE? Has this person done something to you personally for you to level such jealous hate at her?

I have noticed this behavior amongst several BWE bloogers. Calling other ones that annoy them horrible names. Throwing shade and acting with such disdainful behavior.Yet want to be shining examples to black women on how to live well but crap on each other! Black women are horrible to each other WHY??? In the latino community (I Know, I am latina on my fathers side) maria might hate juanita but you know what? more times than not she will support her success and vice versa because they see it as a "win" for everyone, not just themseeves.

Ok lets say for the record that this person is the self absorbed media hog you say she is, how is tearing her down making you an example to look up to? People 9 times out of 10 are not going to look at you with admiration for doing this. People rarely look at anyone who goes out of their way to insult and belittle others regardless of their reasons for doing so with respect.

Hating her and publicly .s***ing on her is not going to stop her success so you may as well strive for your own. You have a voice and platform just like her and I hope you find a way to use it for good becasue if you do not after a while your only audience will be Bottom Feeding Bitter Betty's and remember we also reap what we sow. If we sow the seeds of hate about others, we will reap that in our own lives. You may not agree, but I promise you in time, you will eat the fruit of it.

Acts Of Faith In Love & Life You don't not know what the heck you're talking about and gross exaggerations of my posts already means you're full of it!!! Then why come here to complain??? I'm not even going to take the time to read through your long rant. Women like you are more interested in cheerleading for your favorite personality than standing up for justice and accountability. I am a legit BWE advocate who was around long before the opportunists came along. I can comment on anyone who uses BWE as a promotional tool, but is not trying to help other black women and is only trying to profit personally. I can also note the chasm amongst women who do not share the same values and or have the same goals. Sometimes, they may make a valid point. Even a stopped watch will show the correct time. That does not mean they are not without gross error. This has already been exposed and discussed. All of you who are new to "BWE" terms and stay parked at fake BWE sites need to do some research. Everyone who "calls themselves BWE" bloggers are NOT, which is the point. Read for comprehension. If you have a real question and are truly confused then ask for clarification - but I will point you to my blog archives to do that on your own time. Regularly readers of this forum know exactly what I'm talking about. Other people who want to argue because they don't share values is NOT the same thing as calling out blatant, consistent liars and their malfeasance. There is nothing wrong with stating values and defending lines drawn in the sand as long as you are transparent and consistent. Which I am. You would do well to learn the difference.
Like · 1 · 14 March at 18:18 · Edited

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