Thursday 29 May 2014

Khadija Nassif goes in on Christelyn (Beautiful Biracial Children) Kazazin

I just read the below comment at Khadija Nassif blog and all of a sudden I just thought of Thandie Newton’s Black Zimbabwean Mother Nyasha, she got ‘pretty grandchildren’ but you know they will just be embarrassed when the elderly black woman, on tries to pick them up from school.
Khadija Nassif goes in on Christelyn (Beautiful Biracial Children) Kazazin
‘I’ve heard said by some AABW (African American Black Women) who are in interracial marriages and are raising mixed children. Some of them are making a point of raising their children to reject any connection to AA Black people. So they’re basically pouring ALL their material resources into children they’re deliberately raising to have ZERO affection, respect or loyalty to these women’s own tribe. Sounds to me like a fast track to becoming the Black grandmother whose descendants claim was just a family servant and not a relative’

NeYo says ‘Light-skin kids are the cutest’

Kola Boof's tribute to Dr David Duke

David Duke Campaigner of the preseravtion of white civilisation, genes and phenotype

"THE WHITE MAN" by Kola Boof her critical analysis
8 May 2014

*The White Man....would never allow Black pussy or Asian completely erase him from the landscape. He does not embrace extinction.

White Men win wars; provide for their families; always focus on the future and transform their enemies & victims into THEIR White image. (*We could learn so much from that).

When WHITE MEN conquer a land it stays White Forever. You have to respect that. Unlike THE MOORS (who sold African women as slaves to finance their armies and conquered much of Southern Europe only to breed themselves off the planet--they were defeated by White pussy; not rival armies) the White man is too smart for that. The White man (who also sexes all races of women) demands that his offspring be White like him and he keeps his power base WHITE.

While fucking around with Black women (for instance), he quickly invented the 1 Drop Rule so that none of his indiscretions could affect his wealth and power. He kept his White Queen in place (while constantly betraying her) and kept all his conquered lands squarely under his control and kept himself....WHITE.

Since a nation cannot rise above its woman....the White man created a weapon (Media) to keep his White Queen firmly on a pedestal. Thereby keeping himself on top and insuring the birth of White sons.

I constantly hear Black Americans decree that the White Man is the devil; is innately evil. But the reality is, all men ---all men of every race----commit the same evils that White men commit. They all want what the White man has; power and vast wealth. The Black man has literally killed his own mother to attain some semblance of White status in America. The Black man would rather his children look like White men and not "those dark butts back in Africa."

The reality is that White People are a tribe of people from Europe....who defeated African and Native American tribes; conquered, oppressed and dominated them. And continue to dominate them. There is no morally superior group. They have all attempted to do the same thing to each other. The Whites have simply been the most successful at it.

And so much of the power of that they have a very simple rule

You must be WHITE to be WHITE.

They believe in themselves; see themselves as the Norm, the centre of the universe and the ultimate representatives of the human race. They are everything that Africans used to be in our glory days clannish, narcissistic and fearful of predators.
Christelyn Karazin and Matthew Hussey have yet to respond

Kola Boof
Marina Orwell of what say you, yep I am calling you out

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Marlene's blog: Fallen Judge Constance Briscoe – What are we to learn

Marlene's blog: Fallen Judge Constance Briscoe – What are we to le...: There is without question, some tensions involved in reconciling the downfall of a successful black professional woman with the...

Clive Coleman investigates Constance Briscoe

Constance Briscoe is facing a further criminal investigation into allegations she fraudulently obtained documents used to defend libel claims brought against her by her own mother.
Carmen Briscoe-Mitchell, who sat in the court throughout Briscoe's recent trial, unsuccessfully attempted to sue her daughter in 2008 over claims made against her in her daughter Briscoe's 2006 memoir, Ugly.
A BBC investigation has learned Scotland Yard is now investigating claims that Briscoe may have unlawfully obtained medical documents to support her defence case.
A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman said: "We were contacted in September last year regarding an allegation of fraud, which relates to documents that were allegedly fraudulently obtained from Southwark Council. The matter is being investigated by Lewisham CID."

Mrs Briscoe-Mitchell, a mother of 11, ultimately lost her libel case against her daughter over the book which accused her of sustained childhood cruelty and neglect.

Everyone needs to support Carmen Briscoe - Mitchell, the truth about Constance ' weave wearing proven liar’ Briscoe

Society of Black Lawyers endorsing Constance Briscoe?

Society of Black Lawyers are you endorsing this lying lawyer, she should have been sentenced to 5 years in prison, she is a judge and a barrister for god’s sake passing down sentences on people lives in a position of prestige and power, shame on this badly weaved/ wigged woman, for lying, rather than admit she was lying when she faced with overwhelming evidence, she kept on lying to cover it ever handing the witness expert a doctored ‘original’ copy of her witness statement so she could claim in court the ‘it’s the printer’s fault’ gotta hand to her that is very calculated and could have worked if not rumbled by the Judiciary who was wise to Constance Briscoe ways. Still this convicted criminal cannot still cannot admit lying even though she in prison, to the very end Constance Briscoe is an arrogant, ugly beast, she is a person who is will tell malicious nasty  lies unflinchingly, just how she lied on her mother Carmen Briscoe and Mr Lee Death in the hopes of becoming a celebrity and the next Oprah. Like a psychopath who experiences no shame or regret, she believes she is still the victim now trying to write a prison memoir .
Society of Black Lawyers do not endorse, defend or respect this vile creep, who I truly believe has psychopathic tendencies as when you do you make yourself look silly, think of the message you are sending out, I do not believe you know how many lives Constance Briscoe has blighted with her lies and criminal behaviour, I strongly believe Constance Briscoe is the Judiciary version of the medical profession’s Harold Shipman, distance yourself from this ugly woman her conduct and behaviour is unacceptable.

Monday 5 May 2014

Constance Briscoe is ugly

                       Yo Mama says you Ugly you Ugly’

U.G.L.Y you ain’t got no alibi you
ugly hey, hey you ugly’

‘There aint no pill cos you not ill you
Ugly, you Ugly’

Chris Huhne comments on Constance Briscoe

Chris Huhne comments on Constance Briscoe

“British justice is likely to be a lot fairer with Briscoe behind bars. If she can make up the witness statements used as the key evidence against me, she is clearly capable of hiding evidence she should have disclosed to the defence in the many cases that she prosecuted for the Crown Prosecution Service.
"Aggrieved defendants will now seek a CPS review.
“There is also an issue for the bar and the judiciary ...the Bar, the Crown Prosecution Service and the judiciary went on entrusting her with responsibility for people's lives because they were not prepared to blow the whistle on one of their own.”

Constance Briscoe guilty of lying in Chris Huhne case

Constance Briscoe first serving judge to be convicted of perverting
the course of justice.

Constance Briscoe Sentencing Remarks

Citation Central Criminal Court 2 May 2014
sentencing perverting course of justice

R v Constance Briscoe
Sentencing remarks
1.Constance Briscoe, you are the third individual to have been convicted of criminal offences arising out of a saga whose origin goes back to 2003, when both Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce lied about who had driven a speeding motor vehicle, and extends to you in 2011, when you sought to hide your true motive and role in the exposure of that story. You then compounded your position by deliberately fabricating evidence when you thought that you might be exposed. If there is a common thread between you all, then, from the insights I have had into the character of the each of you during this case, I regret that it is one of arrogance by educated individuals who considered that respect for the law was for others.
2.I am only too conscious that your convictions mark a personal tragedy for both you and your children. You are an individual who unsurprisingly has been something of a role model to others. Although blessed with intelligence, you did not have every advantage in life. However you worked hard at school and were the first person in your family to go to university. Having gained a degree in law, you joined the Bar and over the years established a successful criminal practice, and had the privilege of being appointed a Crown Court Recorder. You have done all of this whilst raising your two much loved children.
3.However, over the years you have also courted a significant degree of self publicity, and therefore built up a familiarity with the workings of the media. I have no doubt that it was this familiarity which led you to offer to assist Vicky Pryce to disseminate her story about taking Chris Huhne’s penalty points. It is clear from the email and phone evidence, that you were intimately involved in the negotiations between Vicky Pryce and the press, both in relation to her requirement for a confidentiality clause and, for the corroboration and dissemination of her story that she had been subjected to pressure; motivated, as was Vicky Pryce, by a joint desire to ensure the downfall of Chris Huhne. In contrast to the true position, when you came to provide your two witness statements to the police, you painted a wholly misleading picture of impartiality and lack of involvement with the press, in order to enhance your credibility as a witness in the criminal proceedings involving them.
4.Subsequently, when your true attitude and role was exposed by the disclosure of the emails from the Mail on Sunday, you sought to cover your tracks by manufacturing a false witness statement, which admitted to a limited amount of contact with that newspaper. Unfortunately the matter did not stop there, because after this deception had been uncovered, and you had been charged with the offences at counts 1 and 2 on the indictment, you proceeded to manufacture a second false statement, which you provided to a defence expert in order to obtain an innocent explanation for the existence of the first one. It was only after that expert opinion had been served on the Crown Prosecution Service, and they had in turn obtained their own expert evidence, that this further deception was exposed.
5.I am sure that you realise only too well that such conduct strikes at the heart of our much cherished system of criminal justice, which is integral and invaluable to the good order of society. In those circumstances I regret that I do not consider that any other sentence can be justified, but one involving the deprivation of your liberty. I of course take into account, amongst other matters, your good character, and the devastating effect that these convictions will have upon your career at the Bar. However, your conduct not only involved deliberately seeking to paint a false picture of your role and attitude for the purposes of enhancing your credibility in the Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce prosecution, but was compounded by the deliberate manufacturing of evidence so as to avoid your own detection. The last of these deceptions taking place during the period leading towards your own trial. In those circumstances, and having regard to the principle of totality, I consider that the least sentence which can properly be passed upon you is one of 16 months imprisonment. That total will be reached by consecutive sentences of 4, 5 and 7 months custody respectively, upon counts 1, 2 and 3. You know that you will be released half way through that term, but will remain on licence for the full term and liable to recall if you were to commit any further offence or otherwise breach the conditions of your licence.

Barrister Constance Briscoe found guilty and jailed for 16 months

Cases Constance Briscoe prosecuted and presided over should be reopened in aftermath of her criminal conviction and jail sentence.    

“As formal proceedings to remove her from the judiciary now begin, defendants could call for re-examination of their cases if they have concerns that her proven dishonesty affected proper disclosure of material to their defence lawyers. Briscoe both prosecuted and defended cases in London and Sussex.”

CAN PEOPLE PLEASE HELP TO GET THIS POSTED ALL OVER THE INTERNET AND FORWARDED TO THEIR LOCAL PAPERS? Someone out there may have been wrongly judged by this dishonest judge, and can make a complaint and perhaps get a retrial – PROVIDED THEY KNOW ABOUT IT!