Thursday 29 May 2014

Kola Boof's tribute to Dr David Duke

David Duke Campaigner of the preseravtion of white civilisation, genes and phenotype

"THE WHITE MAN" by Kola Boof her critical analysis
8 May 2014

*The White Man....would never allow Black pussy or Asian completely erase him from the landscape. He does not embrace extinction.

White Men win wars; provide for their families; always focus on the future and transform their enemies & victims into THEIR White image. (*We could learn so much from that).

When WHITE MEN conquer a land it stays White Forever. You have to respect that. Unlike THE MOORS (who sold African women as slaves to finance their armies and conquered much of Southern Europe only to breed themselves off the planet--they were defeated by White pussy; not rival armies) the White man is too smart for that. The White man (who also sexes all races of women) demands that his offspring be White like him and he keeps his power base WHITE.

While fucking around with Black women (for instance), he quickly invented the 1 Drop Rule so that none of his indiscretions could affect his wealth and power. He kept his White Queen in place (while constantly betraying her) and kept all his conquered lands squarely under his control and kept himself....WHITE.

Since a nation cannot rise above its woman....the White man created a weapon (Media) to keep his White Queen firmly on a pedestal. Thereby keeping himself on top and insuring the birth of White sons.

I constantly hear Black Americans decree that the White Man is the devil; is innately evil. But the reality is, all men ---all men of every race----commit the same evils that White men commit. They all want what the White man has; power and vast wealth. The Black man has literally killed his own mother to attain some semblance of White status in America. The Black man would rather his children look like White men and not "those dark butts back in Africa."

The reality is that White People are a tribe of people from Europe....who defeated African and Native American tribes; conquered, oppressed and dominated them. And continue to dominate them. There is no morally superior group. They have all attempted to do the same thing to each other. The Whites have simply been the most successful at it.

And so much of the power of that they have a very simple rule

You must be WHITE to be WHITE.

They believe in themselves; see themselves as the Norm, the centre of the universe and the ultimate representatives of the human race. They are everything that Africans used to be in our glory days clannish, narcissistic and fearful of predators.
Christelyn Karazin and Matthew Hussey have yet to respond

Kola Boof
Marina Orwell of what say you, yep I am calling you out

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