Friday 21 November 2014

Ava gets dragged by Neecy and Co.

Poor Ava tries to speak sense in some these BWE women only to called a Troll.

“I realize that some bw are still paralyzed and some are not even trying to do much of anything differently, but some bw have made big changes but are still struggling with this at such a primary level! ”

Or maybe some BW are expecting too much. There are not enough rich WM in the world for all the black, white, Asian and other women who want one. In fact, there are not enough working class white men for all the women who want one.The competition is stiff. Millions of women of all races around the world want to marry white men in order to have a better life. This is a fact.

The most popular BWE bloggers are women like you who constantly talk about how well they are living, that they have a white husband who can provide so well for them they don’t have to work. Many of the BW who can’t find a white mate are holding out for the upper class or wealthy white men that BWE bloggers like you have. Because BWE has told them that they have as good a chance or better as white and Asian women of getting a rich WM, they are waiting for a Peter Norton, Roland Betts or Prince Maximilian. At the very least, they want a guy who earns six figures, so they don’t have to work. After all, they deserve to live well simply because they are BW and all rich white men prefer BW. Pictures of black women married to wealthy WM cause BWE followers to further retreat into their fantasy world of becoming a white man’s princess.

Only about 4% of the people in this country earn more than $250,000 a year and many of them are women. A woman is lucky to find a man of ANY age who is earning $70,000 to $100,000 per year. Twenty-five percent of white women earn more than their husbands. There are fewer marriageable WM than WW and the ratio is worse when you include the non-white women who want WM. It is pretty arrogant of BW to think that they will displace ALL white and non-black women to get all the rich WM. And even if BW got all the rich WM, there still would be many BW without a rich WM.

All Asian women married to white men are not “living well”. Again BWE women like to focus on the few Asian women (Julie Chen, Wendy Deng etc) who are married to famous wealthy WM and ignore the overwhelming majority of Asian women who are married to middle class WM and who have to work to help support their families.

I live in an upper middle class white neighborhood (I am a BW) and none of the WW I know would get huge cash settlements or thousands of dollars per month in child support if their marriages ended. The money simply isn’t there. The ones who were stay-at-home moms went back to work as soon as their children entered school. Some place their children in day care a few hours per day or week so they can work part time because they don’t want to be absent from the work force for many years.

So maybe BWE bloggers should portray a more realistic picture of the dating world and the type of men who are available. 99% of BW will have to settle for an ordinary middle class guy of any race. Some will get the wealthy bankers and millionaires and a few will get princes, aristocrats or billionaires. Also, since there are more women than quality men, many BW will never find a quality mate. Every aspiring athlete cannot make it to the Olympics and every athlete who makes it to the Olympics cannot bring home a medal. We should stop assuming that BW who have not found a “quality” WM is doing something wrong.

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