Saturday 17 September 2016

#shadywitchwisdom DeeDee going in on Breukelen Bleu

Ladies soon they'll be 13-hour 5-part videos taking up your valuable time and a super secret mailing list where you have to pay me 50 dollars to hear me read from a book as I curse like a hood rat.
Then, I'll drop tantalizing threads where you fuss with each other and curse like lunatics for the world to see.
Then, I'll never show proof of how I'm living but tell you how to live.
And, I demand 50 dollars for my group phone calls when you should be using that money for your kids the gym and to start a diet plan.
Over and over you will pay me for what you can learn on your own!
As the #ShadyWitchWisdom takes over your gullible mind and open wallet ..."The shady preacher has been replaced by the shady witch"

Black Women With Other Brothers The season of #ShadyWitchWisdom is upon you clueless and gullible BW!! #DoAsISayNotAsIDo
Starr Rising
Starr Rising HA! Actually.....they did show "proof" in one video that I can remember. AND......let's just looked like typical Blackistan.
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers #TheShadyWitch Boycott Black women having black daughters cause their black daughters have black sons. BUT my Black son is ok, but the rest of yall need to quit.#Satire Seriously, Starr Rising I've long known who the hell that person is as they were in my groups, watching and biting ... "The Shady Preacher has been replaced by the Shady Witch"
Kimme R'Chelle
Kimme R'Chelle Starr Rising wait a min...looked like typical Blackistan LOL..u have got to be kidding smh
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers The #ShadyWitch may curse like a hood rat but she is wise! Now, pay me 50 dollars for an 11 hour telecall #ThatIsIt #Satire
Kia Richards
Kia Richards HAHAHAHA Girl stop. You are a mess. Hilarious. Meanwhile these women could be out socializing on a Friday or Satuday night instead of wasting hours of their precious time on some google hang out. How is that conducive to finding a quality mate?
Like · Reply · 14 · 9 September at 00:34 · Edited
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers THAT is what pisses me off the most, keeping BW as brainwashed sheep first it was black males conning them now it's bw.
Levene LeBlanc
Levene LeBlanc Black women, we should really be more selective of who we listen to. Besides, don't they teach you in school not to take everything a person says at face value
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Agreed and as PT Barnum said: "There's a sucker born every minute"
Kendra Moton
Kendra Moton
Kendra Moton I have to say that I've followed her but anyone who is that close to the scam artist is shady.
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Birds of a feather flock together period. By the way have you asked for and seen receipts of a life well lived? "The shady preacher has been replaced by the shady witch"
Kendra Moton
Kendra Moton Black Women With Other Brothers and after seriously thinking about it, I cut ties. There are some good ideas but like you said, birds of a feather flock together. Plus, when you lie down with dogs you catch fleas, and I'm not interested in catching fleas.
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Kendra Moton They have a perfect show biz union. The vulgarian and the faker.
Daisy Milo
Daisy Milo Black Women With Other Brothers lmao @ "the vulgarian".
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 September at 17:09 · Edited
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Daisy Milo Hey! Got that from the late satirical magazine SPY wayyy back in the '90 when they used to call Donald Trump a "short fingered vulgarian" that used to crack me UP>

Shanieka Gaines
Shanieka Gaines Bwhahahaha I'm dying! Because I know who! Hahahahaha
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Laughter is good for your health!
Shanieka Gaines
Shanieka Gaines Black Women With Other Brothers Hahaha yes it is!
Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonai
Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonai Who is this? Pm me.
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonaiyou can figure it out follow the sheep, I mean, connect the dots.
Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonai
Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonai Oh okay out of the loop.
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-AdonaiIt's so easy to figure this out go where the biggest mouths are ...
Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonai
Almaz Kohanziadeh Ben-Adonai Oh okay so many out there. I've been in Israel with family so again out of the loop so I will check with a friend who follows some of those BWE People. Thanks.

Kimme R'Chelle
Kimme R'Chelle Forget receipts I want to see the deeds of trust
Black Women With Other Brothers
Samantha Draughn
Daisy Milo
Daisy Milo "The shady preacher has been replaced by the shady witch". LMAO & smh. its so sad that the bw lining up cant even see this. its a total disaster, warning flags definitely should go off when ShadyWitch is in tight with The Girl Who Twirls. And I cant stand all that cussing.
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 September at 17:06 · Edited
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers COUGH. BW as a collective are hard headed sheep who love living vicariously through unsavory characters.
Yvette Bolden
Yvette Bolden It's some truly sad and sick people in this world!
Cre Nay Loaf
Cre Nay Loaf Why does this sound so familiar?😂😂
Black Women With Other Brothers
Black Women With Other Brothers Because BW as a collective are gullible sheep who chose to fail to do their homework.

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