Monday 29 December 2014

Your secret is safe with me: NON BLACK GENES HYPERGAMY

Non Black Genes Hypergamy (Neecy and Evia done let the secret out)

Now say this, with me

1 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

2 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

3 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

4  ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

5 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

6 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

7 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

8 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

9 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

10 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

11 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

12 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

13 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

14 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

15 ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

Once again so that those dark skinned 4c nappy haired negroid facial and skullshaped featured little black girls can hear you ‘Beautiful Biracial Children’

Neecy tried to edit and hide this post, Neecy have you not heard of cached

Your secret safe with me,


As Evia pointed out, it’s just not politically correct to even say, think or address this., But its reality. BM have been doing it for the last two decades whether BW want to accept and admit it or not. YES, BM with resources tend to opt for women who can give them lighter and whiter looking kids. It’s a shitty and sad game, but hey everyone BUT Black women is playing it. And that’s not a good thing for BW.

A good question/ point was brought up about why some BW who travel overseas end up having kids by WM who haven’t married them or committed as possibly being a form of hypergamy. And the thought was that these BW are seeking to lighten and whiten their kids genes as to have better success in life and avoid the downfalls of hurtful colorism that is often experienced by full Black kids (especially Black girls).

I don’t doubt this happens. But I believe it is a mix of BW wanting to have children they feel will not be exposed to the same colorism they were exposed to, but also because so many BW lack self-esteem and are searching for unconditional love – so they have babies even without commitment because they believe this is an unconditional love they will receive.

But many OOW kids may actually grow up resenting their mothers for making that choice to not care if there was no father around. So they cannot bank on that “unconditional love” scenario.

So in terms of single motherhood and OOW I cannot say that BW doing this and being baby mommas of swirl babies is any better than being a baby momma of a monoracial Black child. The only difference is YES she has a baby who is lighter and whiter looking, and that may and obviously will have some better benefits for the child, but not so much that I can co-sign BW having a bunch of OOW babies by Non BM.

That is because the person(s) who get affected the most by this are mainly the child who doesn’t get the benefit of having two parents involved in his/her life and the emotional and stability benefits that come with having a father around, and the mother often suffers and *CAN* take that out on her child down the line. Also, when children are not living in or seeing healthy stable quality relationships with a mother and father in their lives, they often grow up and not see the need for it and continue the vicious cycle.

There are more than enough studies that show how important having a father present in a child’s life is.

A truly hypergamous BW today would not only seek out the best quality mate, but would avoid doing anything that could place her or her child in a unfavorable situation where they are lacking.

True hypergamous BW will be so determined to live and do well, they would not entertain single motherhood because they understand how that will affect their child later on.


*looking around* Hmph! Your secret is safe with me!

And I do not *NECESSARILY* disagree with Non Black gene hypergamy as long as the woman sets herself and child up for success by being partnered with a man who is going to be a part of the child’s life and support and help raise him/her. Any other scenario FOR ME, is just not good, because even if the child is lighter and whiter looking, it still (more than anything) needs that father figure support in their lives.

Like I said, everyone is playing that game – EXCEPT BW. And its time BW start playing the game to win and stop sitting on the sidelines playing “fair”.

Yeah yeah, no BW can admit this publicly or even privately without receiving some kind of verbal flogging or pearl clutching or pffer for psychological evaluation – but I GETS IT! Here at the NEST we can talk about these things openly without being judged.

But hey, at this point, I say a BW has every right to do whatever SHE personally feels will set her or her children up for success. And frankly, quiet as kept, if certain BW want whiter and lighter kids, I say it’s her own personal choice to do that, and as long as she is a good nurturing mother who made the best choice for a quality husband and father of her child, OH WELL go for it!

Black women have been through so much that I will be the last to tell another BW that she is “WRONG” for feeling this way. Everyone else on this planet can have preferences and certain traits they like in others, but the minute a Black woman does (that doesn’t fall in line with what Black people expect) then it’s a problem? PSSH!

I’ll never forget my close g/f in college who was dark skinned finally revealing to me openly that she preferred bi racial and light skinned / whitish looking guys with “pretty eyes”. She got no qualms from me! I told her GOOD FOR HER. And she told me she could never say that to anyone or admit it openly because she’s seen so many BW get reamed for even liking anything that isn’t 100% Black looking.

My aunt’s daughter who is a chocolate girl also admitted to me (when I asked her what kinds of guys she likes) preferring lighter guys with pretty eyes. LOL I told her do not ever feel bad for that because everyone is entitled to have a preference for what they like.

Sisters do what you gotta do. But be smart and don’t result to desperation of OOW babies. It’s not a good look and it’s just not proven to work for our children.

But I have NEVER cared if a BW is colorstruck. That is because why shouldn’t BW be?? With all the crap BW have put up with from their race and culture that has placed any and all things far from Black and closest to White on a pedestal, I personally feel BW have the right to do the same damn thing.

If a BW decides she doesn’t want to have her potential future Black daughters be shunned and treated poorly because she is not light enough, her hair is not straight enough, etc., then I feel she has a right to seek to pro create with men who will give her children that will not suffer with that. And really how can any Black person today chastise a BW for doing this, when the community has done nothing but put down and step on BW who do not look mixed or who are not light?

So yes, here at the NEST, you have my blessing to deep down seek out men who are going to give you children who will not deal with the nonsense colorism that you or other BW have had to deal with.

Your secret is safe with me.

NeYo says ‘Light-skin kids are the cutest’

Friday 21 November 2014

the bed wench never learns

Faith Dow goes in on the Christelyn Karazin Jacque Ried saga

Faith Dow goes in on Christelyn Karazin Jacque Ried saga, hey perhaps Jacque Ried just wanted some privacy but that has pissed the ongoing self-promotist Christelyn Karazin off quite badly, and who knew that Breukelen Bleu AKA Black Woman Think Tank done ripped off Deva OfFiyah and stole her style.

Comments from Faith Dow:
Jacque Reid bowing out of that particular interracial dating site run by the BWE opportunist may not have anything to do with her deciding to not date outside her race, or feeling pressure to conform to one-sided #blacklovenonsense, but more to do with not wanting that site and opportunist to use HER in redirecting attention for their purposes (and not to actually help her). If she doesn't have the courage to stand up for herself and go after what she wants, no one else will convince her. If she DOES want to find a compatible mate and isn't limiting herself, then she can afford to pay for a legit matchmaker and move forward with her plans without it being turned into a public spectacle. The opportunist has zero credibility, yet I still see many of you insist on aligning yourselves with her. Oh well....
Khamisa Adaw for some reason i heard a lot of bwe bloggers hate her...not sure why her site seems innocent enough

Kendra Moton Too bad she has scrubbed her site of a lot of those posts from the past though showed her bad behavior towards BWE veterans. But at least 2x a year for a while, she'd pop up with a post blasting BWE bloggers for either not including her and/or for "hating" on her when she tried to indirectly and then directly pimp BWE bloggers for information to promote herself.

Acts Of Faith In Love & Life You don't know the full history of her behavior or the fact that her last attention grab was to claim that Facebook terminated her account - when it's 99% probable she did it herself. She's trying to erase all the dirt she's done. but thank goodness for SCREENSHOTS.

In the past few days a situation has arisen that needs to be addressed. In addressing it I am not assigning "blame" or value to the blogger in question but am reaffirming the importance of the BWE message. The focus should not be on the blogger but on protecting the work. Besides, I am DEEPLY…

An effort to stand for justice and oppose the...

Acts Of Faith In Love & Life And "hate" is not the correct term. She is a fraud and dangerous. And the appropriate response to something harmful is to be wary and to seek to distance oneself and neutralize it to diminish damage.
Shakti Atn Ra Your blog and Muslim Bushido were my introduction to women whose thinking process is similar to mine. Love it! My questions: is there room in the BWE mvmt for new voices? for entrepreneurial ventures that promote the...ideology? philosophy? Is it my imagination or is the bulk of the msg being missed by the bulk of its target audience? (thinking back to your comment about tracking the "BC" demise & how most ain't gonna make it).

Acts Of Faith In Love & Life Shakti Thanks. Yes, there is absolutely room for new voices. They only need to do the work! I noticed Khadija was or is guiding the blogger at Not Your Girl Friday in some capacity to speak to a younger generation. It's been my impression that others may not want to or are able to spend the time and use proper discernment to run a blog with regular posts and add something uniquely of value. I see a lot of middle of the road, post-BWE blogs that are simply repeating topics we've already written and quite a few who don't distinguish between participating at and aligning themselves with the Opportunist and legit BWE spaces. Now, I know a few posts here and there might be useful to someone seeking information for the first time, but it's boring to me when it's been covered better by myself or one of my peers. There's a few bloggers who came of age during the key integration of BWE who post infrequently and offer valuable content, but no one who posts with the frequency we did. I've slowed down my own posting schedule in favor of quick updates on social networks. There's nothing stopping anyone from for diving in though. Maintenance and protecting the BWE legacy are key right now. I think many components to BWE have been integrated in the "mainstream" that people forget some of the major components we fought for that were resisted. Now, there's quite a few disingenuous "black feminists" who rejected BWE outright, but live to complain about white hegemony by white men and white women, pick and choose what falls into 'respectability politics' and STILL fight battles that should be the responsibility of black males instead of doing for self first. They hold them partially accountable, but not past a certain point. They'll be running in circles for years. But they've benefited from the change in landscape that affords them their folly.

Kelley Johnson The online black feminist brigade are nuts. I won't name names but I finally stopped following them on social media when they declared Beyonce a Nicki Minaj feminist icons. And the last time I paid any attention to them, they were defending the rioting on Ferguson with a cropped MLK quote. Apparently, expecting people not to destroy their own neighborhood is "respectability politics" now, but whatever. Those women are dangerous and still very black male and white female identified. That's why they continue to argue with black men and white feminists, begging for inclusion and respect. It's pathetic and they'll never change.

Khamisa Adaw interesting..ive read khadija's article about her and I always try to remain neutral unless I'm around to witness the dirt..however, everyone keeps saying the same thing about her..hmmm...either way hopefully she changes...its never too late to improve

Deva OfFiyah Wow! I had no clue. Well not shocked. Since the latest BWE craze ripped her whole stance off from ME and credited reading the Bushido. Never once spoke to her sessions with me or her work with me. Aaand was working with the interloper. The think tank was inspired and encouraged by ME! I just never expected my everything to be ripped off by whats her butts.

Black women are jacked up!

Ava gets dragged by Neecy and Co.

Poor Ava tries to speak sense in some these BWE women only to called a Troll.

“I realize that some bw are still paralyzed and some are not even trying to do much of anything differently, but some bw have made big changes but are still struggling with this at such a primary level! ”

Or maybe some BW are expecting too much. There are not enough rich WM in the world for all the black, white, Asian and other women who want one. In fact, there are not enough working class white men for all the women who want one.The competition is stiff. Millions of women of all races around the world want to marry white men in order to have a better life. This is a fact.

The most popular BWE bloggers are women like you who constantly talk about how well they are living, that they have a white husband who can provide so well for them they don’t have to work. Many of the BW who can’t find a white mate are holding out for the upper class or wealthy white men that BWE bloggers like you have. Because BWE has told them that they have as good a chance or better as white and Asian women of getting a rich WM, they are waiting for a Peter Norton, Roland Betts or Prince Maximilian. At the very least, they want a guy who earns six figures, so they don’t have to work. After all, they deserve to live well simply because they are BW and all rich white men prefer BW. Pictures of black women married to wealthy WM cause BWE followers to further retreat into their fantasy world of becoming a white man’s princess.

Only about 4% of the people in this country earn more than $250,000 a year and many of them are women. A woman is lucky to find a man of ANY age who is earning $70,000 to $100,000 per year. Twenty-five percent of white women earn more than their husbands. There are fewer marriageable WM than WW and the ratio is worse when you include the non-white women who want WM. It is pretty arrogant of BW to think that they will displace ALL white and non-black women to get all the rich WM. And even if BW got all the rich WM, there still would be many BW without a rich WM.

All Asian women married to white men are not “living well”. Again BWE women like to focus on the few Asian women (Julie Chen, Wendy Deng etc) who are married to famous wealthy WM and ignore the overwhelming majority of Asian women who are married to middle class WM and who have to work to help support their families.

I live in an upper middle class white neighborhood (I am a BW) and none of the WW I know would get huge cash settlements or thousands of dollars per month in child support if their marriages ended. The money simply isn’t there. The ones who were stay-at-home moms went back to work as soon as their children entered school. Some place their children in day care a few hours per day or week so they can work part time because they don’t want to be absent from the work force for many years.

So maybe BWE bloggers should portray a more realistic picture of the dating world and the type of men who are available. 99% of BW will have to settle for an ordinary middle class guy of any race. Some will get the wealthy bankers and millionaires and a few will get princes, aristocrats or billionaires. Also, since there are more women than quality men, many BW will never find a quality mate. Every aspiring athlete cannot make it to the Olympics and every athlete who makes it to the Olympics cannot bring home a medal. We should stop assuming that BW who have not found a “quality” WM is doing something wrong.

Friday 14 November 2014

Y’all ‘Feature Struck’ as well as colorstruck;



Somali child Safa Idriss Nour is indeed adorable (with her European skullshape, small feaures  and loosely curled hair) but could the BWE also appreciate black children with negroid featured like Blu Ivy.

Y’all ‘Feature Struck’ as well as colorstruck

Safa as baby

Safa aged 8

Blue Ivy


Monday 15 September 2014

Breukelen Bleu and Christelyn Karazin goes in on Faith Dow


The Black Woman Think Tank.

21 August · Edited



 When Sisterhood Ain’t Sisterly; JEALOUSY, LIES and FOOLISHNESS in the Facebook BWE Community.


 As I have mentioned several times before, The Black Woman Think Tank. uses everyday realities as teaching materials, from which to glean insight and advantages in Life. We routinely analyze current events, political and social upheavals, personal experiences and everyday occurrences. In the spirit of that endeavor, I have given my group permission to study everything and everyone, and I have even offered my own experiences, and my own journey, as subject matter to deconstruct and critique, so that my members and I can learn more knowledge about the world us.


 I am going to share with my readers, what I have personally learned, from the CASE STUDY, that is Breukelen Bleu and the Black Woman Empowerment Movement. What I say here, is my best and most honest account of what I have learned about people, Black Women and Life, thus far in my own journey. This should not be seen as strange, as I have shared other personal accounts of my journey in other threads.


 My page, is NOT a BWE platform in the traditional sense. While many of my beliefs, stances and suggestions align with traditional BWE thought, my message has a distinct purpose and agenda and any member of group can attest to the stark differences they encounter as they engage me personally, and the membership of my Think Tank. I have indeed, been influenced by BWE writings, bloggers and followers and have credited many of them for their impact on my perspectives and ideas. But while I will always honor those who have touched my understanding with their messages and concepts, I will always credit my teachings in Dark Goddess for the giving me the greatest understanding about life, which allows me to share with others, my Wisdom and Knowledge. Despite how much my ideals overlap with BWE philosophy, the principles upon which I built this space, are born out of DARK WISDOM and my teachings in Dark Goddess are the foundations on which I deliver my message. Those women have traveled my Dark Goddess journey with me know exactly what I am talking about.


 I have been VERY open about my path to The Black Woman Think Tank., and have left no room for conjecture or theory about who and what I am. At the launch of my fan page, I posted the following piece, which described, in GREAT DETAIL, exactly what led me to create the Think Tank.

 The BWE bloggers who first started to address the issues that BW face almost a decade ago, each also had their own journey, which influenced the particular focus of their platforms. And while I am familiar with many of the founding members of BWE, I have not read each their blogs, cover to cover, nor am I aware of their entire timeline and history in the movement. I have, though, over the years, read articles on a case by case basis, usually after I had written something on a page, thread or post, and someone else posted a link to said article that said something similar to what I had written. Over the years, I became familiar with the various names, philosophies, viewpoints and agendas of the bloggers out there, white at the same time, my OWN ideas, perspectives and Wisdom grew. But it was my Dark Goddess teachings – the many hours I spent in classes, tele courses, book studies and ritual…along with the money I invested, the time I spent and the challenges I faced, as I embraced a new way of thinking…that pushed forward my personal evolution.

 I do not subscribe to any one philosophy or ideal, and I give myself permission to incorporate any line of thinking that I choose, that serves the agenda of my group and those women who are looking for what I have to offer. My work embraces Feminist thought - but is not beholden to it. I support IRR dating/marriage, but its not the only focus. I touch on politics and social justice, but its not where my message stops. My overall theme is to get black women to come FACE TO FACE with their own demons, just as I did in my Dark Goddess journey, by questioning their MORAL and ETHICAL beliefs about themselves, Men and Life, in general.


 Unfortunately, little did I know, that by doing so, I would begin the see the TRUTH about the BWE Movement and come to recognize the reason why black women REALLY stay losing up in this bitch; a reason that has little do with black men, white supremacy or ‘the system’. During my 9 months as the founder and facilitator of The Black Woman Think Tank., I have experienced more angst, negativity, jealousy, confusion and outright HATRED from women WITHIN the BWE movement, than I ever have from the women that used to give me such flack on other peoples’ FB threads. I have been amazed at the speed in which women who once supported me, admired me, and sought comradery with me, TURNED on me, and became the most vicious, nasty, chics I have every come across. Within weeks of starting my own thing, women who’s platforms I had supported, suddenly seemed to have a change of heart, about the value and worth of what I had so say. And I have watched as many of these same women have fallen off, one by one, some even going as far as to black and ban me without notice or provocation.

I have been surprised, caught off guard and even perplexed, by the sudden level of vitriol and nastiness I have encountered, by women who once sought me out as for personal counsel, bonding and friendship – women who CLAIM to be all about he “empowerment’ and Sisterhood of Black Women. And as the months have rolled by, I encountered more and more foolishness the likes which I will detail, here…


BWE Foolishness Roll Call:

 1. Passive aggressive accusations of THIEVERY and STEALING from other BWE FB pages.

 2. Accusations of ‘stealing’ of overall platform messages and personal delivery styles.

 3. Gossip and rumors about my intentions.

 4. Accusations of pilfering of memes, information and stats from others peoples pages.

 5. Back alley (negative) discussions about what may or may be taking place within my group.

 6. Folk laying claim as “The Force’ behind my Think Tank – and expecting to wield power within it, because of it.

7. Less creative/talented/savvy personas, attempting to use me and FEED off of my creative impetus, to launch their own projects and brands.

 8. Admonishments for making ‘alliances’ with personas/brands with sordid pasts or tainted histories within the movement.

9. Attempts to discredit my name, my ideas, my platform or my agenda.

 10. Nice/nastiness from those who dislike me and what I’ve done, but are not Woman enough to address me personally, opting instead to do so on other peoples pages, platforms and threads.

11. Negative commentary about my being a PAID host of a PRIVATE venture dedicated to the healing and growth of black women.

12. Speculation about my real identity and the trustworthiness of my message.

13. Accusations of my not ‘honoring’ or ‘crediting’ the founders of the BWE movement in my writings or opinions.

 14. Anger at my unwillingness to get caught up in the pre-exiting politics and nasty feelings between older BWE bloggers.

15. Lots of private in boxed discussions about me, my group and my audacity to emerge on the scene without expressed permission of those who were already there.

16. Negative commentary about the rates I charge for membership to my group.

17. Assumptions that I charge for what others do for free.

 18. Questioning of my personal and professional credentials.

19. Suspicions about my absence from past BWE groups, pages or blogs.

20. “Neutral’ commentary about my not having been properly ‘vetted’ by existing BWE figure heads.


 Initially, this cattiness and pushback took me aback, as I was unprepared for the amount of UNSISTERLY-LIKE behavior that revealed itself, the MOMENT I started to do my own thing on Facebook. The thing that got me the most, was that NONE of these things happened when I was writing page long commentary on OTHER PEOPLES pages, threads and post. It was only after I started my OWN platform, coupled with my audacity of having the balls to CHARGE for my Wisdom, that I began hearing about all these personal, professional and character flaws I supposedly had.


 On a personal level, I have avoided any deep feelings of resentment or angst about my treatment by those whose entire purpose online is SUPPOSED to be Sisterly Love.


 But what gets me about all of this, is that it has really shown me WHY black women STAY LOSING IN GENERAL. I can see, that while Becky’an’Em band together, and create not only social and philosophical movements, but also POLITICAL and ECONOMIC ones, Black Women cant get 3 steps past GO!, because of our unwillingness to treat the next BW with respect and work IN TANDEM to achieve common goals. In the end, the harsh truth that I have had to face, that is that the greatest obstacle to the development and ascension of Black Women- is BLACK WOMEN. And it only reinforces my original premise, that the ONLY way some BW will WIN! will be to set themselves apart (even from other seemingly like minded Sistas) and fend for self.


 Listen - for all those who read this page, follow my posts and navigate my presence in Facebook, just know that I don’t care about any of the politics of the BWE, and I dont give a shit about any of the pre-existing rivalries and controversies between different factions in the movement. The principles upon which my message is built precludes me from caring about any of that mess. Black Womens' inability to show respect and admiration for any woman who can be perceived as a threat is crazy and is little more than another sad example of why WE STAY LOSING. I dont get personally caught up in any of this foolishness because i dont care about any of it. This shit is part and parcel of why BW stay losing in the first place, and I simply use it as a case study for what NOT to do in my own life.


 But for the record, I have been VERY supportive of other women who write about Black Womens issues and have acknowledged them MANY TIMES in my writings - much more than most are willing to openly acknowledge me. All one has to do is scroll through my fan page and see it all in black and white. Whats more interesting thing than my supposed unwillingness to honor other bloggers and writers, is the fact that i have given credit to those women who have directly influenced me in my journey- even when I didn't have to. I have continued to support and share the works of those Sistas who I am currently not on the best terms with, and have not hesitated to post, share or promote those women whose works have merit, even if our personal FB relationship is strained. And even when some have benefitted from MY commentary in the past, having NEVER given ME any credit or acknowledgement; even when they took MY shit, and put in on memes and on posts on their sites and pages, WITHOUT my permission and WITHOUT my consent, i have never shitted on them or called them out or accused them publically of any wrong doing.


 But one sided loyalty has many faces. A fact that is not lost on me, now.


 So, as I close out, just know that my thoughts are my own, and any similarity to better known writers is simply the organic results of the flow of any ideas, reaching out amongst people over time. I had been writing heavily on these topics before I even knew about many of the veteran BWE bloggers, which is why I was so glad when I found so many like minded women on FB, who I later learned had been influenced by said writers. My path and my journey are mine, and I claim them without qualification and without quantification.


 Any association the Black Woman Think Tank. has with other writers/bloggers is done on a case by case, article by article basis. I don't agree with everything a blogger may say on every issue, and there have been times when I co-signed what they have said on one day, and then used what they said to start dialogue about how I DISAGREE on a different topic, the next. I am not locked into ANYTHING and I made this clear in my explanation of Dark Wisdom thread.



 NONE of this shit is personal for me - although I am finding that is *IS* personal for many of the others in this game. All this political stuff that goes on is simply more foolishness that keeps black women losing, and I REFUSE to honor any of it by participating in it – and this will be the LAST time I address it. My allegiance is to NO ONE. My alliances are where *I* say they are, for as long as *I* say, for the reasons *I* say. Thats DARK WISDOM and it could give a shit about any of that fake morality that others pretend to adhere to.


 I do what I want. And I dont need permission from nay a chic, OLD SCHOOL or newbie, to do it. And THAT is what separates "empowerment' from SOVEREIGNTY. I am my Own Woman.


 But If i did care, i would be very disheartened by what I have seen from my fellow black women since starting my platform. I would mourn the fact, that in the end, Sistas aint much different than the BM they complain about or the WW they are jealous of. And I want my readers to see, that this catty and passive aggressive, egotistical and silly shit, is WHY our collective doesn’t ever really progress, and why, year after year, movement after movement, we are STILL at Basic Empowerment 101. I am thankful for my Dark Wisdom, because if I had any of my personal worth tied to being a part of this cause, Id have folded up hurt and jaded, a long time ago.


 That said, I will continue to write, share my thoughts and expand my platform AS I SEE FIT. Those who benefit from it- great.


 Those who dont;


 Let the Bodies Hit the Floor.


 I dont have any time for these High School Mean Girls antics I see taking place in this 'movement'. It is BENEATH me, and I will deal with it, accordingly. I just shake my head at most of this passive aggressive, paranoid, accusatory and suspicious political posturing, amongst a group of women who for the most part, STAY LOSING and in whom many seem to have undiagnosed psychological and emotional issues. All this shit is just me. I got other shit to do.


 But to my readers, learn from MY experience. Use ME as Case Study. Look and see how in the end, Black Womens’ Sisterhood aint Sisterly, at all.


 Don’t be fooled.


 One sided loyalty has MANY faces. And sometimes it will look just like you.


-Breukelen Bleu ©2014.

Christelyn Karazin disses Faith Dow

·         Unbelievable the cattiness and jealousy I'm witnessing against BW ThinkTank because (I suspect) she refuses to agree to cliquish, bully-in-the-yard behaviors. I know for a fact some bloggers have suffered because they've refused to break ties with me despite poison in their ears about how much I'm "anti-BWE." Anybody with a grain of sense can look at my BODY OF WORK and know that is an utter lie. Some of you ladies really need to EVALUATE what is REALLY going on, and the TRUE AGENDA of persons who are COMMITTED to be divisive. Are those individuals thriving? Are they happily coupled? Are the regularly employed or running a thriving business or living hand to mouth? Do they own shit? No? Folks talk about vetting, ya'll need to look at the lives of the folks causing continued ire and stirring up trouble every three months. Bleu is talented, thoughtful, and puts her business on the street to HELP others. She doesn't try to make folks feel inferior so she can feel superior. Some of you all need to check yourselves. Question anyone who demands you be a mindless sycophant when they've got absolute SHIT going for them. Now you gossips can go tell THAT.