Apparently asking someone to repost your
campaign is some form of hustle. Thanks for nothing, Christelyn Russell-Karazin.
Not fucking cool.
o Christelyn Russell-Karazin
Here's my comment. I just got told off because I refused to share my platform
to someone trying to raise money to get into nursing school. These people said
that they felt I should do so because I asked them to support
"Swirlr," and that assisting this person with their tuition is like
supporting the "swirl community." Supporting by asking to view and
share is a lot different from ASKING someone to use their platform to get
through school. Hell, I'm still paying for my own college tuition! I support
programs, initiatives, books, charities. Not paying for someone to go into
nursing school. If that makes me evil, I truly regret these people feel that
o Marc Loiselle
what makes you a bad person is the way you did it. you didn't say no. you didn't
even respond. you just called it a hustle. you don't know or even care about
our story. you think that because you had something available to you, its
available to everyone everywhere. then you posted a status calling it a hustle.
lumped me in with people who may or may not have been hustling. allow me to
quote one of the other people who have a platform in this community that we
asked. "We are here in support so we will help how we can."
when you asked for my support, I didn't even question it. we aren't celebrities. we've done some small stuff for our own amusement for a while, but we aren't celebrities and aren't trying to be. you are and I should have known that it has nothing to do with being in the very small group of IR relationships that we share. you just wanted it for yourself. you're selfish. yes, I was asking you to "use your platform," does that make me a bad person to ask something of you after I did something nice for you and didn't seek anything out of it? no. does it make you a bad person to instead of replying back to the person a simple "no, I'm sorry, but I can't do that," and instead posting a status saying I was hustling you? YES. glad you finally showed your true colors. wasn't sure what to think of you, but now I know. you're a fake ass, thirsty bitch who can't relate to people outside of your own wannabe celebrity. cheers.
when you asked for my support, I didn't even question it. we aren't celebrities. we've done some small stuff for our own amusement for a while, but we aren't celebrities and aren't trying to be. you are and I should have known that it has nothing to do with being in the very small group of IR relationships that we share. you just wanted it for yourself. you're selfish. yes, I was asking you to "use your platform," does that make me a bad person to ask something of you after I did something nice for you and didn't seek anything out of it? no. does it make you a bad person to instead of replying back to the person a simple "no, I'm sorry, but I can't do that," and instead posting a status saying I was hustling you? YES. glad you finally showed your true colors. wasn't sure what to think of you, but now I know. you're a fake ass, thirsty bitch who can't relate to people outside of your own wannabe celebrity. cheers.
o Christelyn Russell-Karazin
And you Marc, with that response, just showed the world I made a good decision.
I don't care how upset you are, you don't call people "bitch," and
"thirsty" and "bad" because they aren't on your team. This
is supremely immature.
o Marc Loiselle
now you want to use your platform to destroy me. how does that not make you a
bad person again?
o Marc Loiselle
oh, right. you donate to charities that say they build schools in africa, but
consider reposting a campaign that gives money directly to someone in need a
o Marc Loiselle
I love how she did this on the public comment sections, rather than messaging me.
I don't need a screen shot to be taken out of context. I've got the
conversation right here. oh and to bring it full circle, heres the original
Hey christelyn. Was wondering if you could raise some awareness for My indiegogo campaign. It's to help me get through nursing school. Hope you can help. Thanks.
Hey christelyn. Was wondering if you could raise some awareness for My indiegogo campaign. It's to help me get through nursing school. Hope you can help. Thanks.