Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Marc Loiselle tells Christelyn Karazin the truth.

Apparently asking someone to repost your campaign is some form of hustle. Thanks for nothing, Christelyn Russell-Karazin. Not fucking cool.

o    Christelyn Russell-Karazin Here's my comment. I just got told off because I refused to share my platform to someone trying to raise money to get into nursing school. These people said that they felt I should do so because I asked them to support "Swirlr," and that assisting this person with their tuition is like supporting the "swirl community." Supporting by asking to view and share is a lot different from ASKING someone to use their platform to get through school. Hell, I'm still paying for my own college tuition! I support programs, initiatives, books, charities. Not paying for someone to go into nursing school. If that makes me evil, I truly regret these people feel that way.

o    Marc Loiselle what makes you a bad person is the way you did it. you didn't say no. you didn't even respond. you just called it a hustle. you don't know or even care about our story. you think that because you had something available to you, its available to everyone everywhere. then you posted a status calling it a hustle. lumped me in with people who may or may not have been hustling. allow me to quote one of the other people who have a platform in this community that we asked. "We are here in support so we will help how we can."

when you asked for my support, I didn't even question it. we aren't celebrities. we've done some small stuff for our own amusement for a while, but we aren't celebrities and aren't trying to be. you are and I should have known that it has nothing to do with being in the very small group of IR relationships that we share. you just wanted it for yourself. you're selfish. yes, I was asking you to "use your platform," does that make me a bad person to ask something of you after I did something nice for you and didn't seek anything out of it? no. does it make you a bad person to instead of replying back to the person a simple "no, I'm sorry, but I can't do that," and instead posting a status saying I was hustling you? YES. glad you finally showed your true colors. wasn't sure what to think of you, but now I know. you're a fake ass, thirsty bitch who can't relate to people outside of your own
wannabe celebrity. cheers.

o    Christelyn Russell-Karazin And you Marc, with that response, just showed the world I made a good decision. I don't care how upset you are, you don't call people "bitch," and "thirsty" and "bad" because they aren't on your team. This is supremely immature.

o    Marc Loiselle now you want to use your platform to destroy me. how does that not make you a bad person again?

o    Marc Loiselle oh, right. you donate to charities that say they build schools in africa, but consider reposting a campaign that gives money directly to someone in need a "hustle."

o    Marc Loiselle I love how she did this on the public comment sections, rather than messaging me. I don't need a screen shot to be taken out of context. I've got the conversation right here. oh and to bring it full circle, heres the original message:

Hey christelyn. Was wondering if you could raise some awareness for My indiegogo campaign. It's to help me get through nursing school. Hope you can help. Thanks. https://www.indiegogo.com/.../money-for-nursing.../x/8187617


Monday, 18 August 2014

VeMarie goes in on Kola Boof

Kola Boof's whole identity is built around having supposedly sucked off Osama
Bin Laden, a man who, by anyone's viewpoint, was a pig-headed totalitarian
ideologue, her stories have so many holes in them it's not even funny white
America does not believe her, so she has tried peddling her bullshit to us
gullible American negroes, whom she obviously sees as "niggerstock"(her words)
and with whom she has been trying to present herself as some goddamned "queen".
Kola is totally fake, just as she was never leader of the SPLA or the descendant
of the Gisi-Waaqs or ever was Osama's bitch. The bottom line is that she thinks
Afro-Americans are stupid and will swallow her insane lies.

Sudan and the Kola Boof Hoax: "Slavery" Propaganda Exposed

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Kola Boof is NOT Nappy Haired

Kola Boof is NOT Nappy Haired
Somalian people do not have tight 4C coils rather they have loose dangly curls neither do white people
A Somalian woman (with loose curls) and a white man do not make a nappy haired child.

Stop listening to Kola Boof and her lies.

Trouble leaving Blackistan...............................

Trouble leaving Blackistan
I agree with leaving Blackistan, but be very careful when you leave. Many AA’s did leave Blackistan many years ago and you know what happened? White folks saw them coming and said, “Oh heck, here they come,” and moved. That has happened to someone I know right now, in Florida, she moved into what she hoped would be a nice area and now the white people are leaving. She is fearful that AAs of NV or LV will move into her area and her life and property value will go way down. That’s what happened to places like St. Albans Queens, Jamaica Queens and Babylon Long Island. I remember when those areas were mostly white, AA’s moved in and the whites fled. So when you leave Blackistan, make sure the area is in such a place that the whites won’t leave. It’s like how white people are moving to Harlem and areas of Brooklyn. Why? Because they don’t want to commute two hours to work and back every day, and they don’t want to spend money on gas and money to heat and air condition their homes so now they’re coming to the city because it’s economically smart to do so.
From what I’ve seen AA’s should never, NEVER move to an area that’s secluded from the center of the town/city, if you do so, the government might decide to cut off access to the main city, this is happening in sections of Queens where the trains don’t run on weekends and after certain hours.

innocent Blue Ivy

The Black Woman Think Tank. THIS is why black women need to STUDY. Many of you are completely CLUELESS as to the workings of the world, especially when it comes to class and caste. Yall do not understand that the rules that apply to YOU, as part of the worker caste, is NOT the same rules that apply to the entertainment class. What YOU feel YOU have to do, in order to make YOUR children 'respectable' in a white dominated society, is NOT what people like Beyonce and Jay must do. They are not beholden to the same rules as YOU and your 9-5 self! Beyonce SETS the beauty standards for black women. SHE DOESNT FOLLOW THEM.

And the other issue, here, that is OBVIOUS to see, is that the angst over Blue Ivy's hair, is really angst over Blue Ivys FATHER. The fact that this child looks more like her DADDY, with his high forehead, low brow ridge, prominent AFRICAN nose, heavy jowls and full heart shaped lips, is what is causing all this 'concern' over this baby. Blacks are upset that Blue looks more like her African featured FATHER, then her CREOOOOOOLE Mother. And the concern about her being 'unkempt' is really a concern about her being TOO BLACK.


That is whats going on here. Disappointment that her looks will not allow blacks to worship her NON-blackness, the same way they worship her MOTHERs'. And anger that they cannot herald this 'power couple's child as the second coming of christ, the way they so desperately want to do, because their hatred for anything black and nappy, precludes their addiction to celebrity worship.

Black women need SERIOUS therapy to help deal with their internalized colorism, hairism, and respectability politics. And they need serious STUDY. Many of the comments here, reflect women who do not KNOW or UNDERSTAND class/caste, bloodlines, wealth or power. Many black women believe, that the rules that apply to them, apply across the board. And they become ANGRY when they realize, that wealthy blacks are NOT constrained by the same considerations that they have to worry about, all day....every day.

So many of you NEED a Think Tank. But most of you arent ready and wouldnt understand the level of discourse that takes place in one.

Black Women Aint Ready. And thats why most will stay losing.
Like · Reply · 17 · June 12 at 1:49pm · Edited

Breukelen Bleu weighs in on the Aaliyah Biopic saga

Breukelen Bleu weighs in on the Aaliyah Biopic saga

There is a lot of brouhaha taking place, over the casting of Zendaya Coleman to play singer/actor, Aaliyah, in an upcoming biopic. Many black women are in an uproar at what they feel is yet another attempt, to erase the image of Black Women, by casting a mixed race person to personify and represent a 'black' womans image.

And while I share their overall angst about the ongoing attack and replacement of black women by racially ambiguous archetypes, on this issue (Aaliyah), I feel it necessary to speak to something else I am observing.

Aaliyah, while attractive and talented as an entertainer, was chosen to be a star, undeniably in part due to her light skin, chestnut brown eyes, and long hair. True to the misogynistic intraracism of the black community, black female artists/entertainers/actors are usually chosen from a very narrow range of aesthetic traits, which primarily hinge on said woman's LACK of obvious African/Black features and physical characteristics. Aaliyah was no different in this regard and just like Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Lena Horne, Dorothy Dandridge, Eartha Kitt and many of the other black female stars over time, she was promoted, in great part, to rise to stardom BECAUSE of her obvious mixed heritage and watered down black phenotype.

So, its really hard for me to get caught up in the fight for her image to not be watered down by white casting choices in this upcoming biopic. I cant put my energy behind this one. Sorry. Its kind of crazy to call into question, the colorist/racist agenda of white television folk for casting a girl to play a woman who only reached stardom because of the colorist/racist agenda of black folk. Especially when the casting director (Twinkie Byrd) is a black woman, herself.

Lets keep it real here. Aliyah was only popular because she was light skinned with long hair. There were PLENTY of more talented singers/artists who never got a shot, because they did not embody the racist/colorist aesthetic that black people cherish. So for black people to now be in an uproar, cuz the white man ONE UPPED their own colorism, is silly.

Definitely not a debate I am interested in entering.

But thats just me. (shrugs)

- Breukelen Bleu

·         Fiji Odbo furthermore I think there isn't enough nuance in this discussion if me limit it to skin-tone. There is a bias towards european features within our community too which compounds the problem of colourism. Let's be real, light-skinned or not Aaliyah did not have typical black features(And don't come at me pretending that you don't know what that is because folks know EXACTLY what I'm talking about). There are a lot of women on this thread talking about how they are the same colour as Aaliyah without the ambiguous features to match, it's not as simple as just skin tone.
Like · Reply · 5 · June 23 at 8:24pm
o    https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-1/c6.0.24.24/p24x24/10404134_727150483998069_5562681769907163428_n.png?oh=b5a48f87f4ebea57b243fde4d343b5be&oe=547B65D7&__gda__=1415453828_a9145e4b5afddd4b5514bb778d596255
The Black Woman Think Tank. Thank you, Fiji Odbo. Yes, the discussion IS about more than just shades of 'lightness', and the fact that the bigger point was deflected from, by distractions over focusing on increments of color, shows that we, as bp are STILL unwilling to truly FACE our issues. None of this happens because of ONE thing. ITs shades skin color, "grades" of hair texture, and expressions of phenotype and facial features that are measured in the smallest ways, that delineate one look from the other. we ALL know this as blacks, but when it comes time to discuss how WE participate in our OWN dysfunction, the conversation never goes anywhere because nobody wants to admit that they, TOO, have fallen for the okey doke. As long as the discussion is about black MALE colorism, its cool. But ask BW to talk about our OWN preferences for lighter skin, softer/longer hair and 'keen' features as representative of black WOMANHOOD, and suddenly we all get confused.

I stand by what I said in this post and refuse to get myself all riled up over this Aaliyah situation, because i KNOW why Aaliyah rose to fame in the first place, and it had EVERYTHING to do with black peoples (and yes, that includes black WOMENS) preference for all things 'mixed' looking.

Unless and until we can own OUR shit, we can not expect whites or bm to own theirs. This conversation played to EXACTLY to my point, in the original post.

Like · 6 · June 23 at 8:33pm · Edited

·         Maggie Green And by the way Aaliyah had a freaking Nose job done. And if she did have a natural keen nose. So freaking what?! Do you realize how many black women have natural both keen nose shapes, and flat noses. Some black women actually have a natural folded eye shape this doesn't make them less black or more black than the next. And with better hair maintenance loads of black women are able to attain Aaliyah's long hair and did you think she had naturally straight hair? Nope she pressed it.
·         https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpa1/t1.0-1/p24x24/10253965_10203370080349657_3406890301179778339_n.jpg
Fiji Odbo I said nothing about her nose, but the fact that you felt the need to mention it means that you know exactly what I'm talking about. NOONE is saying that all BW should look like India Arie (and again, the fact that you are so defensive says ALOT about you), nowhere did I say that there was no diversity in black features, which you so wrongly inferred. My point is that black people give way to much power and visibility to the OUTLIERS within our group. The avg black women looks closer to India than Aaliyah, especially when we consider the entire diaspora. Let's not act brand new and forget what the avg black person looks like lol

Vince Rashaad goes in onThe HappyHooker83

Constance Briscoe sacked as Judge

Constance Briscoe fired as Judge
Disgraced barrister Constance Briscoe who was jailed for lying to police over the Chris Huhne speeding points scandal has been sacked as a part-time judge.
Brisco, 57, is serving a 16-month sentence after her conviction for intending to pervert the course of justice over the investigation into the former Cabinet minister.

A statement issued by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said recorder and fee-paid tribunal judge Constance Briscoe ‘has been removed from judicial office without further investigation’ by the lord chancellor and the lord chief justice.