Monday 18 August 2014

VeMarie goes in on Kola Boof

Kola Boof's whole identity is built around having supposedly sucked off Osama
Bin Laden, a man who, by anyone's viewpoint, was a pig-headed totalitarian
ideologue, her stories have so many holes in them it's not even funny white
America does not believe her, so she has tried peddling her bullshit to us
gullible American negroes, whom she obviously sees as "niggerstock"(her words)
and with whom she has been trying to present herself as some goddamned "queen".
Kola is totally fake, just as she was never leader of the SPLA or the descendant
of the Gisi-Waaqs or ever was Osama's bitch. The bottom line is that she thinks
Afro-Americans are stupid and will swallow her insane lies.

Sudan and the Kola Boof Hoax: "Slavery" Propaganda Exposed

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