Monday 15 September 2014

Breukelen Bleu : misandry

"If Black males didn't have Black women to abuse, they would have nothing that puts them on par with other races of men."

^^^and the abuse and dominion over WOMEN, is the first mark of Patriarchy. Without that, men have no reason to exist. We are seeing that even with white men. Now that WW have the power to divorce, take the children, earn high pay, hold positions of power and legally seek recourse, WM are ENRAGED. This killing of women and shooting up of public spaces is some of that shit bubbling up. A study of history explains all of this easily. In feudal societies, everyday men were given dominion over women and children, as the consolation prize for having to submit to the MEN OF POWER in their lives. Every man got to be "King of his Castle' - even if that castle was little more than a hovel with a woman and a few kids in it. The male was given SOMETHING do dominate (and protect; bloodlines thru sons) to keep him from RISING UP against the men who controlled their lives. They dare not take THE SYSTEM on, so they took out all that need for control, over women.

And when that incentive is removed, men start losing they minds. BW NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS. Women CIVILIZE men. We temper their natural impulses. The desires to posses and control us, drives them to terrible action. But their ability to 'keep' and dominate us, keeps them in line. all need to exert external power is then funned through the family - NOT against THE SYSTEM.

There is sooo much more to this shit than BW realize. THAT is why STUDY is necessary. THAT is what we do in my Think Tank.
Black Woman Think Tank/ Breukelen Bleu
Mens GREATEST fear is of becoming obsolete. Its they're most primal and visceral biological fear. WIth obsoletion- the inability to wield power and control through a natural or created dependence on what someone has to offer or provide - comes loss of power. When women are not FORCED into diminutive positions, we will DOMINATE. Is only natural. ALL LIFE COMES THRU US. So the sexuality, options, choices and abilities of women MUST be restricted, if men are to retain power. ALL SYSTEMS must work together to keep the female "in place'. If not, she will eventually rise to the top, just as cream does. The greatest need women have for men, is protection from OTHER MEN. Left to our own devices, without the treat of male violences, the human race will STILL go on, with women ALONE as the protectors of the species. Men know this, and this fear creates a visceral need to to control - to maintain POWER. With loss of the type of power men seek, comes Matriarchy. Its the DEFAULT - just like life itself, defaults to the feminine, unless interrupted in process to become masculine. Its why all zygotes are feminine the first few weeks of creation.

Men suspect this to be true even if on a subconscious level, and THAT is their fear, because for the first 10's of thousands of years of human existence, THAT was the way things were. The man werent 'dominated', but THEY were seen as the "help meet' to women, which makes sense since WOMEN are what keeps the species going. HELPING WOMEN KEEP HUMAN BEINGS BORN AND ALIVE BY MAKING HER ROLE CENTER TO ALL INSTITUTIONS = Matriarchy.

Matriarchy NOT reverse Patriarchy.

But you cant tell these men that. ESPECIALLY black men. SMDH. Under matriarchy, the men still wield power. Its just for the greater good of The Mother Principle.

The fear of women returning to that level of power, where FATHER RIGHT Is not the predominant determining factor of Power, scares the HELL of of these men. And THAT is why when you remove the incentives of Patriarchy, they start shooting shit up. The fear of obsoletion causes the need to inflict harm on levels that FORCE people to acknowledge your power. Remove the Father Right, and you get lots and losts of angry, disgruntled men.

And for BM, remove the ability to wield control THROUGH The Father Rite, (control of land, resources, wealth and MONEY) and you get what we see now. All the sons in the world dont matter if you have nothing to pass down to them. And THAT is why they have no problem abandoning the BC, leaving their black children to die, while they water down their gene pool with the offspring of non-black women. As far as BM are concerned - hell! as far as ALL Men are concerned, without Power, Land, Resources, Dominance and the ability to control women and achieve immortality through sons, there is NOTHING to stick around for.

When it all comes down to it, all this shit is about US.

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