Friday 30 January 2015

Kola Boof, the BWE and the common sense bloggers cannot make up their minds

Jarawa Tribe of the Andaman islands

"The basis of white supremacy's ability to hold sway as a political, social and economic power dynamic is hierarchies and systems based on COLOR. Blackness is othered, so that it can be dehumanized and oppressed. The reason why ANY of us are mistreated is because of our relationship to BLACKNESS.
So to deny the truth of how much the LITERAL 'blackness' of our people plays into the inequities we face is disingenuous and dangerous. And what's worse is the notion that one doesn't have to love and have a preference FOR that 'blackness', but can still be a part of the 'revolution' to reclaim "black power'. If there is no STANDARD for what 'black" is, that most closely reflects WHY 'blackness' was oppressed in the first place, then all dialogue about affecting change is futile.

In essence, EVERYONE needs to see dark skinned, nappy hair, 'black' phenotype as THE standard FOR blackness, and to honor and celebrate THAT, as THE cohesive standard that unites us all. If we cant do that, because we are too busy 'celebrating" the "52 Shades of Blackness",, while PROMOTING the lightest of us all, then we are LYING about our 'love' of our race and our desire to see it elevated.
The truth of it is that in order for the BLACK race to regain its honor and respect,lighter skinned folk are gonna have to STEP ASIDE and allow the FACE of the race to BE BLACK. If everyone is afraid of giving up their position so that that can happen, then we might as well shut up about building ANYTHING.

The bastardization of our race wasn't just about sex. It was about creating all these 'variations' within us, that would keep us all vying for dominance within the group. TRUE 'blackness', is eschewed and watered down 'blackness' becomes the norm. If you study ANY race who is successful economically, be it Jews to Asians, you will find that strict definitions of what it is to BE Jewish or Chinese/Japanese/etc based on PHENOTYPE are adhered too. You cant see no mixed breed, trying to run shit up in their race. Their sense of superiority is based on the notion that THEIR beauty/culture/traditions/etc are THE best, and that THEIR unique genetic code is THE best. Our race runs out to mate with anything or anyone who DOESNT reflect genetic 'blackness', and wonders why we don't wield the same kind of power.

I am not a dark skinned woman. But I honor dark skin as THE SOURCE of my 'blackness' and surround myself with images of dark skinned bw to edify my own value and sense of worth. When I see light skinned women getting defensive about the notion of having to step aside so that the ORIGINAL can regain its place, it lets me know why blacks will never rise. there must be a STANDARD - and IDEAL. If we refuse to allow that ideal to be what caused us to be hated in the first place, then we are simply living out the oppressors desire to see us confused, disloyal, disenfranchised and scattered. THEY rally around 'whiteness' in is truest form. Why cant we?"

 By Breukelen Bleu

Saturday 10 January 2015

Evia goes in on Neecy

Neecayyyyyyyyy,Girl look like you done forgot the first rule of power



Golden Rule: “Always make those above you feel comfortably superior and brilliant”

Neecy since removed Evia comments and edited post.

Neecy, I looked but couldn’t find your email address so I’m writing this here. I would like to call your attention to what is most likely an oversight.

I would greatly appreciate it if, in your articles, you would give me and other BWE bloggers credit for the concepts that we’ve introduced into this black women’s empowerment discourse. As I’ve read some of your later articles, you have several times quoted me and other bloggers without giving us credit for our contributions. That is something that I’m always extra careful to do. We must give credit where it’s due in order to build trust between bw. For ex. “Living Well is the Best Revenge” is the title of the last article in Book 4 of my book: LIVING WELL: BLACK WOMEN INTERRACIAL AND INTERCULTURAL MARRIAGE–BOOK 4. Yet, you’re stating that as one of your main points in this article without mentioning me–at all. I’ve also written and posted this article online and talked about “living well” extensively.

I was also the blogger who both introduced the term and has put the greatest emphasis on VETTING and under that topic, I was also the one who has stressed the supreme importance of watching what a man or anyone DOES versus just listening to their words. Yet you don’t reference that. I know that it was either me or Khadija who introduced the importance of “boundaries” and we’ve written extensively about those topics in our articles.

Also, as I mentioned in my comment last week, the one that you didn’t post, it was BWE blogger CW who–way back–introduced the term “STEALTH” into this BWE discourse. Also, I’m fairly certain that it was Khadija who (to my best knowledge) has relentlessly beaten the “Stop the Caping” drum the absolute most.

I have also written a large number of articles where I’ve talked about how bw
“other” themselves and I know that Khadija and I too have cautioned bw numerous times re being out of sync with human norms by blanketly doing things that other women are not doing.

Not to even mention that I was the one who introduced the term “common sense” and “quality” men into these discussions.

NO ONE else was using these terms or concepts in relation to this subject.

As I said, I’ve noticed this in several of your lastest articles. In the article before this one, I could have sworn that Evia was the one writing portions of that post. LOL I recognized my “voice” and I’m sure other readers did too. I’m flattered that you’ve been an avid reader of my articles, have internalized the script, and see the “common sense” of the contents, but it is both a professional courtesy and in the best interest of fostering true bw’s sisterhood (that you say you want) when we give credit where credit is due.

Also, Neecy, I would have appreciated it if you would have contacted me by email to discuss the need to maybe not post “some” of the UN-pc things I mentioned in that comment–instead of not posting any portion of the comment, What was that about? Maybe I’ve overlooked it, but your email address isn’t prominent, so I had no other way of contacting you.

It’s fine to mention these concepts, but please be sure to reference me when you write about concepts that I’ve introduced as well as those that form a large portion of my work.



I’m not “stealing” any concepts from anyone. In fact, all of these terms and concepts are used fluidly throughout many blogs.

You did not create the terms STEALTH or LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE. Lmao

In fact “living well is the best revenge” is a term and quote that’s been around before I was born.

I’m not going to do a citation for every thought or word CONCEPT that MAY HAVE been used by you or other bloggers.

Maybe the person who actually created those terms and concepts should contact you and make sure you reference them anytime you use their words or concepts that they *ACTUALLY* created.

The women who read this blog (most) are very familiar with the variety of BEE blogs out there.

This is not a possing match and if I feel there is something I pulled directly from you or anyone else I’ do post the credit (as such with not your girl Friday – and her concept of staying neutral).

So all I can say is – sorry you feel that way.

I don’t go to your blog and think “how can I copy EVIA” lol

And I find it funny that you are claiming words and terms as YOUR OWN that have been around since day one.

I’m not sure what your issue is with me, but I always since a condescending tone to almost everything I write.

So that’s all I gotta say. I will continue to write topics and concepts AS I SEE FIT an NO I will not put citations or references unless I took it directly from another site.

BWE centric bloggers write about the same topics and concepts and issues ALL THE TIME.

I give the credit when it’s due and if I feel I’ve snatched a concept from another blogger. All of my posts I do that including this one where I mention notyourgirlfriday.

Have a good day. And my email address is on the about page if you don’t have anything to add to the topic at hand and if you or anyone else wish to take this further.