Friday 30 January 2015

Kola Boof, the BWE and the common sense bloggers cannot make up their minds

Jarawa Tribe of the Andaman islands

"The basis of white supremacy's ability to hold sway as a political, social and economic power dynamic is hierarchies and systems based on COLOR. Blackness is othered, so that it can be dehumanized and oppressed. The reason why ANY of us are mistreated is because of our relationship to BLACKNESS.
So to deny the truth of how much the LITERAL 'blackness' of our people plays into the inequities we face is disingenuous and dangerous. And what's worse is the notion that one doesn't have to love and have a preference FOR that 'blackness', but can still be a part of the 'revolution' to reclaim "black power'. If there is no STANDARD for what 'black" is, that most closely reflects WHY 'blackness' was oppressed in the first place, then all dialogue about affecting change is futile.

In essence, EVERYONE needs to see dark skinned, nappy hair, 'black' phenotype as THE standard FOR blackness, and to honor and celebrate THAT, as THE cohesive standard that unites us all. If we cant do that, because we are too busy 'celebrating" the "52 Shades of Blackness",, while PROMOTING the lightest of us all, then we are LYING about our 'love' of our race and our desire to see it elevated.
The truth of it is that in order for the BLACK race to regain its honor and respect,lighter skinned folk are gonna have to STEP ASIDE and allow the FACE of the race to BE BLACK. If everyone is afraid of giving up their position so that that can happen, then we might as well shut up about building ANYTHING.

The bastardization of our race wasn't just about sex. It was about creating all these 'variations' within us, that would keep us all vying for dominance within the group. TRUE 'blackness', is eschewed and watered down 'blackness' becomes the norm. If you study ANY race who is successful economically, be it Jews to Asians, you will find that strict definitions of what it is to BE Jewish or Chinese/Japanese/etc based on PHENOTYPE are adhered too. You cant see no mixed breed, trying to run shit up in their race. Their sense of superiority is based on the notion that THEIR beauty/culture/traditions/etc are THE best, and that THEIR unique genetic code is THE best. Our race runs out to mate with anything or anyone who DOESNT reflect genetic 'blackness', and wonders why we don't wield the same kind of power.

I am not a dark skinned woman. But I honor dark skin as THE SOURCE of my 'blackness' and surround myself with images of dark skinned bw to edify my own value and sense of worth. When I see light skinned women getting defensive about the notion of having to step aside so that the ORIGINAL can regain its place, it lets me know why blacks will never rise. there must be a STANDARD - and IDEAL. If we refuse to allow that ideal to be what caused us to be hated in the first place, then we are simply living out the oppressors desire to see us confused, disloyal, disenfranchised and scattered. THEY rally around 'whiteness' in is truest form. Why cant we?"

 By Breukelen Bleu

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