Tuesday 3 February 2015

Breukelen Bleu insults the Black Community, Dr Ben and Sista Souljah

Dr Ben

Breukelen Bleu aka Black men ain't sh!t writes

Back in my afrocentric days, Dr. Ben was a mainstay in my life. His books, lectures, videos and articles helped reshape my ideas about what it meant to be a black person in the world. The works of Dr. Ben helped open up the minds of millions of black people worldwide, as a teacher, scholar, historian, archaeologist, author and speaker. Black people needed to believe we were once 'kings and queens'.
Dr. Ben proved it.
Yet here he is, old and frail, sickly and wheel chair ridden. And instead of living out his final days in utmost comfort, needing for nothing, he is being videotaped asking strangers for what he needs.
If THIS is the fate of the man who taught black men that they were KINGS, what will be the fate of the thousands upon thousands of Black Women who are investing time, energy, financial, emotional, physical and moral support to the ongoing 'struggle' for the civil rights of black men? If THIS man can be forgotten about and left to beg on line for basic necessities, what can all these Black Women who are frothing at the mouth in this most recent movement expect?
Although my Afrocentric days are long past me, it saddens me to see this great teacher and leader in the struggle for Black Identity and Pride, reduced to such a state. And it serves as yet another reminder of why I KNOW that all of this will be for NAUGHT, when the dust settles and Black Women  are in the same compromised, unprotected and vulnerable position they were before Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Mike Brown were killed; before‪#‎blacklivesmatter and Hands Up! Dont Shoot!; before the rallies and protests and shut downs.
Pay attention. If this is how they will treat the black MALES who try to help them, you can only imagine what awaits the Sista Soldier.
Oh. But you don’t have to. Check out current pics of Sista Soldier (below) and see for yourself what all that fighting has done for her.
When it comes to sticking your neck out for the black community and the black male, enter at your own risk. You will NOT be guaranteed safe harbor when all is said and done.
THIS is how the Black Community treats it heros.
Respect for Antonio Yosef Ben-Jochannan, AKA Dr. Ben.

Sista Souljah

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