Friday 20 March 2015

Colisha Harris calls out lying Kola Boof

Kola Boof cannot stand negroid featured black women calling her out on her lies.
Colisha Harris best mind that Kola 'the failed somalian' Boof does not get her maids which are the black skinned 4C nappy haired, negroid featured women (Michelle Alston and Co), to bully her like they did Margery Hanna.

·         Colisha Harris She's such a fraud that I can't even take what she says seriously...but a broken clock is right twice a day at least, and I do agree with her about AA men failing to unify their own people while kissing up to "people of color".
Like · Reply · 3 · 18 March at 11:17

Jennifer L Gartin Just curious, why do you feel that she's fraudulent?
Colisha Harris I don't believe one word of her background story, it's all over the place. She claims to be a biracial woman with a "White Arab Egyptian father and blue-black Somali Gisi Waaq mother" lol. She looks neither Arab nor Oromo and anyone who knows anythingabout the region would laugh at her claims to be descended from either. Not to mention that she claims to be all pro-black woman and very anti-Arab/Islam, but isn't consistent in criticizing Israeli and its treatment of blacks, even forcibly sterilizing black women. She has the nerve to insist that Israel is a friend to Africans when Israel was a chief supporter of the apartheid regime and refers to Africans as "infiltrators", caging them up like animals and employing them for slave labor.
Like · 1 · 18 March at 20:24 · Edited
For Black Women-What not to buy. TT - Lesser of the evils perhaps? And it's her very knowing of what Arabs and alleged 'brown folks' are capable of that makes her want to support israel more? On the flip side Alice Walker supports Palestine and is vocal about israel. Making her works banned there and attempts to silence her. All am saying is, her support of israel is as personal to her as mine of neither. I'm also African like her and if i had to choose, i don't know if i could. The arabs on the one hand are building companies where you need to speak to be in employ there, whilst the Israel side are alleged to be supporting the terrors happening. As for the Brits, US/K, China + co? Well... Scewed somehow.
For Black Women-What not to buy. Colisha, those are not enough reasons to call her a fraud. I fundamentally disagree with Kola on Israel. But her racial male up makes perfect sense to me. The Darkest Africans will produce Black looking people with other races. And that is what Oromos are. I have seen mixed race Africans that looked darker than her.-DT
Jennifer L Gartin Then where do you think she is from if she's not directly from Africa, Colisha Harris?
Like · 1 · 18 March at 15:38 · Edited
Colisha Harris There's no such thing as "lesser of the evils". Evil is evil. Her supporting Israel is hypocritical and just as wrong as it would be to support Arabs and "alleged brown folk" in their wrong.For Black Women-What not to buy. she looks NOTHING like a Somali, Nubian or any other black person from the ethnic groups that make up the Horn of Africa. Perhaps most Black Americans, Black Brits of West African/Central African descent are not familiar with the ethnic groups in the region and how they look but they look NOTHING like Kola and it has nothing to do with skin tone. People who are actually from the region and/or who know the area's ethnic groups, cultures and history intimately spot her fraud from a mile away. She's also been caught out in blatant lies in other parts of her story. Only fools and naive people who don't know any better believe her nonsense.
Like · 1 · 18 March at 20:24 · Edited
Cr Ni besides the family background what else has she been called out on? the bin laden story?
Media Monitors Network (MMN) is a non-profit, non-partial and non-political platform for those serious Media Contributors and Observres who crave to know and like to help to prevail the whole truth about current affairs, any disputed issue or any controversial issue by their voluntarily contribution…
Colisha Harris She claims that Egyptian Arabic is her mother tongue. I'd be willing to bet that she doesn't know a word of Arabic.
Cr Ni well this is all some weird stuff. i know there was some guy that helped a certain black blogger in the very beginning of her blogging and when alot of bw bloggers "left"/stop dealing with said blogger the only friend she had left was kb. something about them playing off of each other being frauds. this is/was all news to me.
Colisha Harris She has a lot of valid points but overall she's unstable and she does come off as very hypocritical. Her support of Israel makes her look like a paid whore for Zionist interests.
Cr Ni her husband is a jew right? sidenote i gotta say though the smackdown she put on kimoras trashy ass was unbelievable. i still dont know how that came about to work out like that.
Colisha Harris No one even knows if this Jew husband exists. All we have seen is some random photo of her on a plane with some white guy. I'm no fan of Kimora but she and her husband have stated that they have no clue who Kola Boof is. Why do people take what she says at face value just because she says some feel-good shit to gas black women up?
Cr Ni ive always believed kimora(and especially the ex husband) was so lying about not knowing her. no gassing up acquired, just think kimora is a shady ho.
Colisha Harris Lol of course Kimora is a shady ho! I don't dispute that, but Kola Boof is a very unstable woman with a history of making shit up.
Like · 23 hrs
Cr Ni im not sure about being unstable but, i just dont think she made that up. something about kimora and the way she looks. not that the ex husband is any better.
Like · 22 hrs · Edited
Colisha Harris Kola makes a lot of shit up, and anyone who's ever engaged in any sort of disagreement with Kola Boof--myself included--can attest to the fact that she's batshit crazy
Like · 16 hrs
Cr Ni alot of the stuff ive seen her talk/post about i cant say ive found to be crazy. while i dont agree with the jewish thing, alot of stuff i found believable.
Like · 16 hrs
Colisha Harris I'm not talking about the content of her rants but about her erratic and weird behavior!
Like · 12 hrs
Cr Ni yeah her behavior when ive seen her never seemed like that. just clapping back on ppl when theyve said off the cuff things.
Like · 7 hrs
KOLA BOOF Let us not forget FACTS. Colisha Harris

The Arab States (including Palestine) have been sterilizing Black women since the 1950's. Palestinians own Dinka women as "forced labor" right now today. Go and ask dream hampton what the Palestinian women called her in the streets last year when she visited.

YOU speak from Western ignorance. You think we should be worried about ISRAEL when the Arab States are enslaving and murdering us daily. Yet you---"the True Black Fraud"---doesn't even mention the real horrors that drive Black Muslim Refugees to run to Israel and not Arab Islam.

Mauritania's endless sea of sand dunes hides an open secret: An estimated 10% to 20% of...
Like · 2 hrs · Edited

Let us speak FACTS, dear sisters in Black America. Let us not silence Black African mothers who have actually been sex slaves just because ---"the True Black Fraud" = Colisha Harris thinks we are Batshit crazy.

Like · 2 hrs · Edited
KOLA BOOF SISTERS....investigate who runs "MEDIA MONITORS" (notice they claim that there was never any slavery in Sudan)

David Hoile, leader of the Nazi Party in Berlin is the person who runs MEDIA MONITORS. He is the same man who called Nelson Mandela a fraud and campaigned to keep Mandela in prison. THIS is who Colisha Harris is posting here.

For Black Women-What not to buy.
Like · 2 hrs

Alicia Banks goes in on Kola Boof

Cowards hint and imply. Warriors call out all enemies by first and last names! On April 9, 2008, Kola Boof sent me a vicious email attacking me for supporting Hillary Clinton. In that email, she claimed our friendship was over. I was indescribably relieved. I have been completely silent ever since.
Kola’s bogus friendship has been an extremely stressful burden to my spirit and a liability to my integrity and conscience since the very first day she introduced herself to me in a letter. At that time, Kola claimed to be a fan of my columns and proceeded to pimp and solicit me to compose ongoing book reviews
I have flagrantly ignored Kola since April. It has clearly been far too long. Thus, today, Kola posted the following blatant lies and thinly veiled libel to a public website:
“I can respect that and though I’ve supported Barack Obama from the minute he declared he was running…I have enormous respect for those who wanted Hillary Clinton.
WHAT I DON’T RESPECT are the ones who lied on and defiled Obama. The ones who tried to make Hillary look good by demonizing and hating on Barack and Michelle.
I lost a very dear friend, who I love very much, because of that dynamic. She basically proclaimed Obama the “Anti-Christ” and revealed to me (in my opinion) a hatred for Black men in general that I found very startling and disturbing—ESPECIALLY since my own critical comments about some black men seemed to be what had attracted her to me. And that was very tragic, because I felt so uncomfortable with this friend’s position and constant emails viciously LYING on Obama that I had to break off that friendship.
It doesn’t mean I don’t love that person. I DO. But I just don’t know what to say
Maya Angelou is a very old woman who has fought tremendous odds to succeed in this very racist nation as a BLACK woman.
Many times her enemies were not just White Men…but Black Men as well. It’s absurd the way so many people pretend that Black men are some “supportive backbone” towards Black women such as Maya in the same way that we, as women, have always been supportive and literally carried Black men on our backs for centuries only to be disrespected and DISCARDED when the Black man…”Got over.”
For that reason, I can certainly understand why an old woman like Maya wanted to see a WOMAN in the White House before she died–even if that woman is, in my opinion, a remnant of Miss Anne.
Please realize that I have been a tireless and passionate supporter of Barack Obama and that I don’t even see Obama as “black”. I see him as another race–a mixed race son.
But I love him and BELIEVE in him and CLAIM the African part of him…because…what he has stood for greatly moves me.
I also support him because of Michelle–because she IS black and because by choosing her, he has given all of us African people a POSITIVE IMAGE for black children and mixed children. Something noble, beautiful, charismatic and purposeful.
I will always, always love and be loyal to Barack Obama because of that…”
I have long ago come to the belated and painful realization that Kola is a pathological liar. She has proven this to be so in countless ways. Unlike Kola, I do not judge people by gender or race. I do not hate all white women as she hates Hillary Clinton. And, I do not worship any human as she worships Barack Obama.
Phony as always, Kola attacked me under the guise of praising Maya Angelou and Hillary Clinton. In private emails, she has attacked Maya’s Arkansas roots, calling her country. And, Kola has repeatedly cursed Clinton as Miss Anne. I am born to native Arkansans, but I am a native of Chicago, Illinois. Still, Kola has even slandered me as country also, simply because I currently reside in Arkansas, where sane voters know Hillary to be a true warrior, beyond the sexist media slayings.
Just as Tavis Smiley, Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Debra Dickerson, and many others have done, I will continue to critique Obama indefinitely! I will never worship any human, especially no politico. All Obama Nazis have only one option: Deal with that fact!!!
I am a happy and productive person. I live a purpose driven and prosperous life filled with people who love me. I am educated and financially independent. Unlike Kola, I do not have to create constant drama to feel fulfilled or fabricate meaning within my life.
Also unlike Kola, I am a very private, reclusive, and quiet person by nature. While simultaneously claiming to be hiding from an imaginary fatwa, Kola curiously craves constant public attention and incessant global drama!!! I was absolutely elated to exhale from her release and move on silently. But, as of today, Kola has made this private parting a public parade online. So, I am compelled to respond herein.
Here are the facts beneath Kolas newest lies and drama:
Kola’s antics have always vexed my spirit. I have only been attracted to the books of the gifted author within Kola, who once penned unique magic about race and colorism, before her Nazi-like obsession with the yellow skinned, mixed race Obama. I expect that this obsession will taint all of her future compositions, none of which I will ever again review.
Kola’s harassing Obama Nazi emails are laced with ranting profanities and far too vulgar to print herein. But, I have retained and can document all of our correspondences to date. Most rabidly racist black fools dare to attack anyone who does not blindly and unconditionally worship Obama. As of today, Kola has officially become a poster girl for that moronic and racist ilk.
Kola’s selective racism is disturbingly amusing. She hates Hillary because she is a white female. But, she worships Obama, the son of a white female. Such political schizophrenia is typical of racist, sexist, and colorist Obama Nazis like Kola.
It is startlingly ignorant to suggest that one must be an elder to understand sexism in America. I am 45, and millions of very young women joined Maya and I as we supported Hillary. From sexist wages to sexist media, rabid sexism is ageless and universal. Shame on Kola for fabricating such a weak argument as she belatedly feigns support for Maya!!!
I have never penned any lie about Obama. I have never demonized him or referred to him as “the Anti-Christ”. I will continue to say and pen any truth I wish about Obama. I could not care less about what Kola or anyone else thinks of my opinions regarding Obama, ever!
Contrary to the black Obama Nazi code books, a vote for Obama is not proof of racial pride. A vote against Obama is not proof of hatred of all black men. Both are simply political choices and inalienable rights of every registered voter on planet Earth. Handle that!
I adore many black men. They tend not to be politicos. They include: Ramizz Ware, Blair Underwood, Bill Cosby, Ray Lewis, Steven Ivory, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Rod McCullom, Kevin Powell, Usher Raymond, Todd Wooten, Bryan Cambrice, Duane Cramer, Mark Starr, Herndon Davis, Donell Jones, O. C. Smith, Jeffrey Osborne, Bill Withers, Dr. Asa Hilliard III, Malcolm X, George Benson, Don Cheadle, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Frankie Beverly, Bruce Nesbitt, Nate Banks, Chico DeBarge, Al B. Sure, Huey Newton, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Bob Law, Spike Lee, Ellis Cose, Brian McKnight, Common, Mos Def, Bob Lee, Fred Hampton, Marvin Gaye, Labi Siffre, Levi Stubbs, Eric Benet and many more… Like most sane American voters, I admit that Obama is yet an appealing stranger.
No white person has ever been called a race traitor for voting for Obama. No white person has ever abused another person as Kola has abused me, simply for daring to make my own political choice. True friends never censor each other. And, they always graciously accept choices that could never be their own. Kola has never been a real friend. Real friends are never lost over such silliness as a toxic election.
I do not hate Barack Obama. And, I have never penned anything but praise about Michelle Obama. I have always liked and respected Michelle even more than Barack, because she is not a politico. Words can never adequately express how much I do loathe the vast majority of Obama’s mindless, Nazi group-thinking, rabidly racist, and sexist black fans.
Like Maya, I kept my word and immediately began to sincerely support Obama as soon as Hillary exited from this horrid presidential race. So, why are Obama Nazis like Kola still wilding against me? Because I dared to speak against the presumptive Der Fuhrer Obama. That sin is unforgiveable. For the record, I now vow to repeat that sin whenever warranted indefinitely!!!
Kola is renowned for hypocritically despising race mixing and hating Arabs. Yet, she herself is born of mixed African and arab blood. She has proven her true multicolors as of today.
I love strong smart women like Hillary as deeply as men and women love all men. I will never apologize for that. It is the essence of my feminist warrior soul. I embrace that love the very same way that racist haters like Kola embrace their bigotry and envy.
I am not mad at Bill Clinton for still being wounded by the legendary and shameless abuse that his wife Hillary received from all media. He watched her image and his stellar legacy be torched for months! He has a right to be angry as we all do. We Leos are loyal. We rarely betray anyone. And, when we are betrayed, we hold grudges beyond our graves. I will still be seething with rage myself, even as I vote for Obama in November
I have no iota of love or respect for Kola Boof. No true sister would ever attack me for choosing Hillary over Obama. No true feminist would slander me as a man hater simply because I chose Hillary over Obama. Kola has proven her lack of character and her rabid hypocrisy by slandering me precisely as she has been slandered. Irrespective of her perpetually vulgar libel and slander, I will continue to tell uncensored truths about Obama. And, like Maya, Obama will always be my second choice for president.
Again, I never have and I never will judge my enemies by race or gender. I will always judge them ONLY by their actions. Today, Kola Boof has let the world know that she is my eternal enemy . I sincerely thank her for that indelible revelation!
Read more global and pathological lies by Kola Boof:

Mzuri calls Kola Boof 

out in style:

Mzuri: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 07:12 pm:

Kola B!tch - Shut The Fukc Up with your asinine threats about lawsuits. Learn the difference between libel and slander. That's what you need to do before you run your stank nasty mouth about suing somebody.
What "malicious" gossip could be spread about a jackass such as yourself that has posted and posed all over the internet naked (front and back) Lies about their associations, lies about their background, lies about
Lied so much that you yourself probably can't even distinguish between what is truth and what is a baldfaced lie.
You can't produce one shred of evidence that all that crap about your childhood is the truth. You don't even have a birth certificate (supposedly) and don't even know your date of birth (so says you).
You have already been labeled as a prostitute, so why didn't you sue about that?
You've threatened to sue people here and elsewhere before, and you haven't done jack, so like I already said - S T F U And other than to keep your fucktarded ass in check, I personally don't give a shit about you. Not a flyin' fukc. You simple minded weak ass wench.
And you already know who I am, uh huh.
So sue me.