Monday 2 March 2015

Oh' you, Beautiful Daughters of Quincy

Dear Dark Skinned Black women;

Here is why I think you are the most beautiful women on earth..

Your confidence.

You walk like your nurturing the earth beneath your feet, and when you laugh it’s like the stars celestially align and sparkle along your face.

Your beautiful dark skin. Beautifully smooth, warm. And tempting to touch.

I love you dark skinned black women.

But I hate the way, some of you feel your dark skin is not a blessing to you¦

Black is the most beautiful colour in the world, it consists of all colours into one.

Touch the colour black in your mind, isn̢۪t it like silk to you?

Touch caramel?

Touch brown?

Touch Blue?

Touch Yellow?

It’s not quite the same is it?

Pay no attention to the MTV. If it doesn’t pay any attention to you. Instead keep a lookout for guys like me, who give you all the world’s attention to you.

Remember God loves beauty.

And when he created the first women she was as dark as the still of the night and as beautiful as the view into heaven itself.

And Nothing’s changed.

You still that beautiful women.

And, I just wanted to remind you of that

Every other women is just an off shoot of you..

Like Tupac said, ‘the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice’
 jett Black
07-05-05, 02:35 AM
Inspired by the poetic stylings of Jason X;)

Oh you Beautiful Daughters of Quincy

You luscious Daughters of Sidney

You perfect daughters of Kofi

Oh please Lawd pleeez have my pickney

So that they may have
"good hair"

and everyone will stop and stare

and say....

Boy your child sure is puuuretty.

Oh I how I covet your blue,green,grey eyes

but all the while I secretly depise....the source? of course?

Oh you red-boned,light-skinned,browning Goddess

If I am perfectly honest

No other Black woman can compare

No other Black woman exists

All black women should look like you


Look how I chose that font to honour your perfect complexion.

In your face I cannot see my reflection

But this is why I desire you more and more.

Oh you beautiful cafe au lait Queen

You are soooo my wet dream

I am validated when you are on my arm

I am transfixed by your haughtiness and conceited charm.

I love how the sun shines out of your ass

I love how I can see a million of you on TV whenever I desire.

Oh you weak teas light my fire.

I dont care how butterz you might actually be

Just so long as you have almost no melanin to be seen

You will always be my Queen.

And if by some chance you should rebuff me

There is always a blue-foot Princess waiting in the wings.

This sums up Black Women Empowerment (BWE), Kola Boof teaching them well comments from Neecy, from Neecy’s Nest who quickly went back and edited the post, when realizing the magnitude of what she was saying not before Google cached it though.


*looking around* Hmph! Your secret is safe with me!

 And I do not *NECESSARILY* disagree with Non Black gene hypergamy as long as the woman sets herself and child up for success by being partnered with a man who is going to be a part of the child’s life and support and help raise him/her. Any other scenario FOR ME, is just not good, because even if the child is lighter and whiter looking, it still (more than anything) needs that father figure support in their lives.

Yeah, yeah, no Black Woman can admit this publicly or even privately without receiving some kind of verbal flogging or pearl clutching or pffer for psychological evaluation – but I GETS IT! Here at the NEST we can talk about these things openly without being judged

But hey, at this point, I say a Black Woman has every right to do whatever SHE personally feels will set her or her children up for success. And frankly, quiet as kept, if certain Black Woman want whiter and lighter kids, I say it’s her own personal choice to do that, and as long as she is a good nurturing mother who made the best choice for a quality husband and father of her child, OH WELL go for it!

Black women have been through so much that I will be the last to tell another Black Woman that she is “WRONG” for feeling this way. Everyone else on this planet can have preferences and certain traits they like in others, but the minute a Black woman does (that doesn’t fall in line with what Black people expect) then it’s a problem? PSSH!

But I have NEVER cared if a Black Woman is colorstruck. That is because why shouldn’t Black Woman be?? With all the crap BW have put up with from their race and culture that has placed any and all things far from Black and closest to White on a pedestal, I personally feel Black Woman have the right to do the same damn thing.

If a Black Woman decides she doesn’t want to have her potential future Black daughters be shunned and treated poorly because she is not light enough, her hair is not straight enough, etc., then I feel she has a right to seek to pro create with men who will give her children that will not suffer with that. And really how can any Black person today chastise a Black Woman for doing this, when the community has done nothing but put down and step on Black Woman who do not look mixed or who are not light?

So yes, here at the NEST, you have my blessing to deep down seek out men who are going to give you children who will not deal with the nonsense colorism that you or other Black Women have had to deal with.

Your secret is safe with me.

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