Monday 4 May 2015

Delores Renee AKA ‘Black Woman’s Section pure insanity.

White people go out of their way to celebrate the birth of WHITE royal babies. MEANWHILE ...Black folks trying to NOT have Black has to be diluted; mixed, as light as they can get it with Non-African hair, sullied, White-like.
If you turn the sound down...and look clearly at how WHITE world loves, affirms itself. And the Black world is on constant "erasure" of will see that we haven't come far from slaves. We are still wayyyy behind the rest of the world. We are still inferior in our minds and in our practices.
I am proud that I had two BLACK (dark) sons by a Black Man. It's the ultimate symbol of Black resistance & affirmation of Black Humanity.
And don't come telling me, "Well you married a White man later on"...because who else could I marry? I BLAME Black men for that shit! Sure do.
Bottom line is....I produced Black sons. In OUR image. And I see that as political and take pride in that...just like White people affirm their White babies.
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Delores Renee AKA ‘Black Woman’s Section’ responds

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Dolores Renee Hope not to offend anyone but I'll have to respectfully- partly disagree and share some of my views:

I get the message behind this post which is white people seeing the beauty in themselves and black folks only seeing the beauty in whites... However
, I believe there are other factors that play into why black folks don't want black children, other than self hate.

There are black people who love everything about their blackness, from their head to their toes, but still afraid to have black babies because they fear how the rest of the world (BLACK people included) may treat them. They don't care about aesthetics, they only wish for an easier life. There are black people who don't want any children at all, black or mixed, for that same reason.

There are black people who's been done so wrong by the opposite gender or the entire black collective and realizes the toxicity of the black race so they try to distance themselves from black people as much as possible, which means not dating any of them, nor procreating with any of them, etc. This ultimately results in distancing their children as well whether it be by lack of contact, lack of resemblance, or both. Let's be honest with ourselves, black people are HARD to get along with. They MAKE you hate them sometimes.

I've told myself many times that I wouldn't have a black son simply because of the way black males treat black women, and the deeply ingrained misogynoir-mind state. Many will argue that it's all about how you raise your sons but that isn't necessarily true, outside influences matter and since the vast majority of black males preach this "light skin is the right skin" nonsense all of the time in everything they do, it's a huge chance a little black boy can follow in the same way of thinking despite everything else you've taught him. I just can't see myself with a son disrespecting my image and placing every other woman's image above his own mother's, I will literally KILL that nigga. I can't bring more black males into this world to add to the same demographic of people who go out of their way to slander, marginalize, ostracize, disrespect, harm black women. I can't give life to very thing that kills me!

Either a VERY LARGE percentage of this race is going to have to die off or breed out in order for the respectable, self loving, head-strong blacks to REBUILD the race (because that's really what this race needs, a new start!) or this race is just going to continue being dominated by self-hating, white worshipping, miserable, heartless zombies that no one is going to want to be apart of.

Quality > quantity. Breeding MORE black
babies is NOT the answer, raising HEALTHIER black children in a better environment is the answer!
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Dolores Renee Angela Y. Jackson I get what you're saying but many black children aren't learning to hate themselves from their mothers. Many of them are learning white supremacist practices from surrounding self hating negroes. This is why I said that majority of the black race is going to have to die off first, or self-preserving black folks are going to have to travel to a new, uninhabited, isolated land where they can start all over without any negative outside influences.

Breeding more black babies into a "BLACK HOLE" (that's what I call the modern American black race) will not help the situation no matter how much you try to direct them. There'll still be a large possibility that your babies will still be sucked into this "black hole". You have to get them to a place of SAFETY first otherwise it WONT WORK, trust me. We've been doing the same shit for 500+ years now, producing more black babies in an anti-black environment then have the nerve to be completely confused as to where they learned to hate themselves. I mean, if you're raising them in a world where the media you allow them to indulge in subliminally tells them that black is inferior, fellow negroes are telling them that black is inferior, racists whites are telling that black is inferior, the education system with their all-white history and version of events is telling them that black is inferior, etc. how TF can you expect them NOT to become a product of their environment?

Get them OUT OF HERE, or at least shield them from others.

Until black people can find that place of safety: where there are no self hating negroes, no dark skin hecklers, no white supremacists, no white washed media, no white washed history; where everything you child sees on the big screen reflects HER own image in a POSITIVE WAY, etc. ONLY then will black folks be able to prosper.

But in all honesty, I don't see that happening because negroes always want to be up under "the white man's" ass, can't stand to be away from white folks and can't stand to be around other black folks, which is why I believe black folks fought for integration in the first place.
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